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Mariage with marocan or foreigner?!?
16 October 2005 22:26
I just wanna know people around what they think about mixed mariages??
I was Married to a Dane and I Prefere now to marry Moroccan than any other nationality.
Do you think the same way like me or different?
I know love is blind..!! for some they always try to take the first chance or first love affraid to may never had that felling again.

The reason I am 100% for moroccan women is because.. in mariage you always fifty fifty ...thinking negatif and assuming if things goes wrong, I always know my kids will end up in Morocco and have maroccan value.
but if I was married to foreigner or even muslim from other country. my kids may never have anything to do with moroccans value.

Everybody knows the law is always with women when it cames to kids !!!!

so what do you think about that?? that goes for girls too what do you think about it?
17 October 2005 04:12
There are no Moroccan values per say. We have muslim values. The advantage for a marriage with a moroccan woman is a piece of morocco inside your home even if you live in a foreign country. at least when it comes top food, speaking a moroccan dialect etc....One has to be careful however, if you live in a foreign country if you do not pay attention and raise your kids in conformity with islam you are going to loose them no matter what folkloric stuff you expose them to or decorate your home with.
17 October 2005 13:16

If you looking for an easy answer , yes a Moroccan girl is a bit of Morocco in the house ....bla bla ..

But once you dig deeper you will find that being a Moroccan is only an advantage if the lady you spending the rest of your life with has the same goals ,morals & principles as you & this is not easy .

I know of some foreigers who worked had & manage to fit in with everything to do with pur religion ,culture ....& on the other hand i know of Moroccans ladies who made them selves so distant from any thing to do with their culture making it very hard for their partner .

I do not thing it is as clean cut as it seems
17 October 2005 14:05
Aziz_dk....... Aziz_dk...... Aziz_dk Ciao.

First and foremost, i hope you did not marry that poor danish girl for the sake of the papers. As you may know i have been engaged and still am (with 100 problems) with a person that comes from your beautiful country since may 2003.
When living in England i was engaged to an english boy, italian speaking perfectly and in love with my country, with japanese mama. In my house the food was italian, the tv was always set on to italian programmes, i was working with italians and italian friends were always in my flat. And it is obvious that the habits and customs use are important to make a menage go ahead in a good way, but believe me, and now i agre completely with pourtoi, you may find the piece of morocco in your house and the dialect speaking and so on.... but there is more my dear, unfortunately, there is more to do.
Me myself i could stop the relation with Fattah and find an "italiano bello" and solve all my problems.... no dear it is not that easy. And your children may not end up in the beautiful Morocco, as you never know.
17 October 2005 17:48
Hej Georgina...

I was married for 7 years with danish girl,my divorce has nothing to do with paper. I based my descision on my experience in Denmark, I know for sure they are lot of Noth africain married to Spanish, French..Italian..etc cause the mediteranien cultur is almost the same.. we all like bread just an exemple!!?!?.

North europien are hard to live with, they just don´t have family bound.You know in Denmark, there is almost 50% of maried people!! one of the partner is cheating. and cheating happend inside the family, I mean brother in laws or best friends.

I know too that they are some people with values too, that respect the family constitution and so on. they are Moroccan here married with Danish and they are still not all danish had bad values.

Nobody does know where ´s his happiness, you just have to keep trying, my point is just wanna know how other thinks about this subject.??

I am not saying moroccan women are engels, i know Moroccan Girls becaming even worst that european.
i guess i am just lost can´t find out !!!??
but still dreaming of meeting the right one??


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2005 12:02 by aziz_dk.
18 October 2005 05:56
Tough choice, isn't it?
A wise man once said regarding this topic, Si Aziz DK, don't look for your girl/ woman, she'll find you. Relationships are a mystery and one never knows what they can get. The know it all, always ends up being bitten!

Moroccan, Italian, my view is not the real issue, it's the growth and bond you establish with your partner, be it accepting her or teaching/sharing your own way of looking at things...Never, say never, but never try to enforce things or force a partner to do things your way...because even if "she " does, that's not gonna be honest!

Understanding is key! and let's remember, that being too opinionated, leads the person being alone and Lonely, life is about compromises excpet when it comes to principles, then one must go his/her own separate ways!
Good luck finding your soul mate.

18 October 2005 10:45
I think like you, but tell me, did you marry the danish woman to stay in her country? if your answer is yes, then you know what I think.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/18/2005 01:59 by Amadou.
Amadou, attendri!
18 October 2005 13:28
a friend of mine told me the same, he lives in france.. he married a french woman, for 6 years!! and now they are divorced, he is so glad that he didn't have children with her! and he say that he won't marry another woman if she is not a Moroccan.. u see, i think every person who married a non-moroccan before say's so.. he change his mind, and choose for a Moroccan.. but Moroccans who are not married yet, think different.. there are people who prefere a non-Moroccan..
I think, choose a Muslim.. and that is enough.. if she is from tokio or America, it doesn't matter.. she will be a good wife.. every muslima knows that!
well, good luck and may Allah help u!
have a blessed ramadan everybody and Allah yata9abal!

salaam 3alaikom!
18 October 2005 13:29
a friend of mine told me the same, he lives in france.. he married a french woman, for 6 years!! and now they are divorced, he is so glad that he didn't have children with her! and he say that he won't marry another woman if she is not a Moroccan.. u see, i think every person who married a non-moroccan before say's so.. he change his mind, and choose for a Moroccan.. but Moroccans who are not married yet, think different.. there are people who prefere a non-Moroccan..
I think, choose a Muslim.. and that is enough.. if she is from tokio or America, it doesn't matter.. she will be a good wife.. every muslima knows that!
well, good luck and may Allah help u!
have a blessed ramadan everybody and Allah yata9abal!

salaam 3alaikom!
18 October 2005 14:20
It all depends on the couple themselves. We have a mixed marriage, have been happily married since 1974, have five children and have just had our first Grandchild. If I could go back in time I wouldn't change anything. There has to be give and take on both sides. Regarding the remark about 'losing' your children, that need not be the case. We are a close family but I will admit that our kids wish to remain in the UK, not live in Morocco. Then again, your country of birth is your home. To them Morocco is a foreign country, nice to visit but not to settle in. If you marry for love - no problem. If you marry for a visa - that's entirely different.
18 October 2005 17:50
Amadou you dont know what I think, once more I did not marry for the paper, in my time it was 2 years to have the permit of stay, we were married for litle over 7 years. I dont want to go though the details of my divorce.

I guess sometime experience can scare you or make you very excited about doing more of the kind.

like the story of Lurcher21 it encourage you to be open about every nationality.
Is nice to meet open minded people to share deep issues.

I guess in the way of the other when anybody fall inlove, you principal became something you laugh at..


18 October 2005 18:53
I think marrying a Moroccan or a non Moroccan makes no difference as long as the partner is a Muslim, but if you worry about the language you can chose an arab partnere that can help you make it easy for the kids to learn Arabic.
Good Luck!
18 October 2005 23:58

Some very wise comments, thanks for that. I'm fed up with the prejudice and racism I've found against non-marocans, and with the hard nosed closed mindedness of some 'morocans' I have met in my experiences that have had a very negative impact on my life... so saying, they could have come from any nationality, just in this case they happened to be moroccan.I guess if someone wants to behave badly, they can use many things as an excuse, including the colour of their skin or their nationality or religion, they aren't real reasons. These are just excuses in the end.

I think the key to a successful marriage is taking responsability for each persons own actions, and being honest about things. Give and take and communication is also essential. I don't think these things are confined to any one nationality, but because of my culture, I think some groups of people may be a bit easier than others. But then who knows, it is always possible to get a bad apple or someone just being very dishonest or selfish, from any culture, and there is good and bad in every culture I've come across. And by the same chance, it is possible to find absolutely wonderful people of any culture, I know as I've met them as well!

And so it's much simpler to marry a 'Muslim', but then, who knows whether this person is actually practising the religion in their heart away from the eyes of others? And if they are practising Islam or actually just their culture with a few texts supporting it? And there are many people who aren't 'Muslim' but who behave in a more 'Muslim' manner than some 'muslims'. (Not that I'm deciding who is and isn't muslim, that's up to Allah ta ala, and I know that's it's not a good idea - or outright forbidden - to marry outside of 'Islam', because of many good reasons!)

Ah, it's difficult I think, inshallah we will all have good guidance it it. Maktub.
19 October 2005 04:07
Based on certain comments in this thread, I find it difficult to find the correlation between Moroccan and Muslim(a)! Does the Nationality entail/ include/guarranteeeee religion?

A Moroccan does not necessarily equal Muslima! " A DD'ino Mo3amala": it's how we behave with one another and towards others that makes us better human beings, ultimately good Husbands or wives! not the fact of belonging to a certain country.
19 October 2005 09:15
Salaam 3alaikom!

I didn't say that the partner must be a Moroccan Yani! And yes ur right it's how we behave with one another and towards others.. But my point was, a muslima is not the same as a non-muslim.. and it doesn't matter where she comes from! Anyway, check this if u want..


And then, in surah Ahzab, is a full list of those qualities loved by Allah, qualities which by the way should be evident in both males and females. So, my dear brother, choose her for the following attributes:

A Muslim woman
A believing woman
A devout woman
A true woman
A woman who is patient and constant
A woman who humbles herself
A woman who gives charity
A woman who fasts and denies herself
A woman who guards her chastity
A woman who engages much in Allah's praise.


Marriage is a critical decision in not only our life, but for our kids and their and our hereafter. Let's be real careful about it.

And those who pray, "Out Lord! grant unto us wives and offsprings who will be the comfort of our eyes, and give us (the grace) to lead the righteous." [Surah 25:74]

May Allah guide us in chae Allah, keep your eyes open and take your time. Since marriage is for life, for eternity, hurrying into it for any reason whatsoever is the act of a foolish or careless person who has only himself or herself to blame if things go wrong.

salaam 3alaikom
19 October 2005 09:49
Salaam Muslima,

I was with you all the way until you got to the last line - I think there are many things in our destinies that we can't control, and the behaviours of others is one of them. But inshallah we can take responsability for our own actions, and their effects on others.

However as they say, it takes two to tango.

Thanks for all the other wise comments, they are very useful.

19 October 2005 14:38
salam aziz,

after a divoce it could be hard to marry again scaring of an other's also understandable to be carfull choosing your next partner.....but as some of the guys said before it's all depending on the willing of you and your partner.....if she loves you even with culture differences she will tray to understad your way of thinking and respect your culture & religion....and if you do the same toward her it will be no problem to live together no matter where is she from.....but if you know exactly what you want and you feel that the moeoccan women will be the right one i also can understand it...sometimes to be from the same background can make the life much more easier....but one thing is not to ignore.......moroccan women or not there is no guarantee.......same is availble for a man........

wish you good luck smiling smiley
19 October 2005 17:06
I know is hard to get married again after divorce, cause u have so many mesurment that your parthner should fet too. in the same time you are not suppose to put your standars high then you end up alone like Yani said.

some mention the idea of understanding and fetting with the partner, if the person from morocco or any part of the eath if there is no Chimistry you can´t talk mariage, so attraction have to be there and the way you wanna trait each other should be claire for both, to let everybody make effort to make it through.

but i am very positiv about your comment, specialy nice to see some girls have healthey and muslim thought.

I may say muslim should marry a muslim.. or someone you have know is welling to go to the prosses to become one.

thanks again
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