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looking for friends in london
31 August 2005 15:55
Hi everybody,

I am moroccan in london, UK. I am here for a work contract. I am coming from france. I m really dispointed because I have nobody to talk to yet. so I m looking for moroccan people male or female 30-40 years as friends.
I m 37a.

thanks a lot "les amis"


12 September 2005 19:46
I'm from belgium and for my new Job I have to improve my english, so I'm looking for accomodations in lodon ?

May I have your msn or skype in order to discuss more ? thanks
13 September 2005 17:22
Dear Rachau 12,

Thanks for your reply. My msn address is:

[email protected]

16 September 2005 13:14
salut bled-in-heart

je suis marocaine et habite londres aussi

voici mon email address

[email protected]


17 September 2005 18:48
Well, you can make easilly moroccan friends in London, there's nice places to go, for exemple Marrakech Lounge next to Piccadilly in the Trocadero Center, try on sunday afternoon, there's a nice atmosphere


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/17/2005 06:51 by Latifa-1st.
18 September 2005 08:59

They are a lot of moroccan in central london

Go to ladbroke grove W10 or portobello on friday or saturday

19 September 2005 15:05
Try Queensway , you will find Cafes , Resto ,shops & plenty of Moroccans
19 September 2005 16:42
I dont live in London, but i have been living there 5 years, i was in holloway Road. and for a short period in Edgware road.
Reading about allthese areas that i know so well of that beloved city made me feel to write that when i left London 1998 there was not that many moroccans in the city, (not that i knew of!) but as someone before wrote yes i remember Queensway as a "north african area", and latifa-1st you know i have been working in the Trocadero? but at that time no marrakech Lounge unfortunately!

I suggest also some very beautiful moroccan restaurants in the knightsbridge area, dont remenber the name....

Enjoy London!
22 September 2005 16:41
Salut a tous,

J habite a londres aussi depuis 3 ans, et franchement l ambiance marocaine me manque grave, les blagues, la music, les discussions...
voici mon adresse msn, on peut chater, et basically se faire de nouveaux amis sur londres. C est important je pense de ne pas oublier ses racines et de reconnecter de temps en temps avec notre peuple.
Bref a bienoto inchalah et bon mois de ramadan a tous:

[email protected]

Au fait je m apelle Merieme, j ai 27 ans et j ai un copain depuis 3 ans mais puisque il n est pas marocain, je ne peux pas avoir certaines conversarion ou blagues avec lui, ci dommage!!!!


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/22/2005 04:42 by merriouma.
27 September 2005 14:54
Merci a tout ceux et celles qui m ont repondu. J apprecie vos suggestions et votre amitie. Si vous etes sur Londres, n hesitez pas a me contacter.


30 September 2005 22:53
YES ! excactlly, there is an excellent moroccan restaurant "Tagine" in Ladbroke Grove.
they serve traditionnal food during Ramadan

30 September 2005 22:55
answer to Geoargina:

it could be la Casba Restaurant in "Baujant" Place next to Harrods

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/30/2005 10:56 by Latifa-1st.
30 September 2005 22:58
about Queesway: there's a Good moroccan restaurant in Queens way called "Casablanca"

but the one in Ladbroke grove is much better, more moroccan
17 October 2005 16:42
hi everybody
Je suis kaoutar, je suis en angleterre pour un an a Stoke on trent (c pas terrible)
Bon si y a d marocains ds la region envoyez moi un mail [email protected]
21 October 2012 17:09
hello Dear, my name is goodnews, am a faithful and honest girl, i saw your profile and i became interested in you. i will like you to send me an email now to; [email protected], i will reply to tell you more about myself and also send you my pictures, remember that distance or colour does not matter but love matters alot. please do not reply on this site, try and reply back to me directly to my email address; [email protected], i will be waiting for your mail. thanks from goodnews aharauka,
26 November 2012 19:28

l looking for someone to help my to approve my english and help my to find a room
je recherche quelque un qui pourrais m héberge afin d apprendre l anglais et aussi
je vie en belgique et j ai vraiment besoin de changer d air donc si quelque un a une bonne âme pour m aider a sauter le cap merci
18 December 2013 13:47
Hi everyone,

Are there any moroccan students living in London? :-)

I am studying at King's College and I would love to make moroccan friends in London.

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