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I don't want plenty, just give me a little!
12 June 2005 23:17
Moroccan hospitals are playing with people's lives too many people dying as result of hospital's mistakes and negligence, no body investigate and no body seek out the truth! Human lives are so cheap in morocco. Doctors are using people’s bodies to train and experiment. The lives that are lost in Moroccan hospitals could be saved if doctors and hospitals were a bit more caring, a bit more helping and a bit more merciful.
Treatment in Moroccan hospitals is not free, why?
The very basic right of a citizen is his right for free treatment.
Europe the land of human rights, hospital treatments are free for their people.
Moroccan people are dying outside hospitals, in their houses, because hospital treatments and medicines are very expensive, the right for free treatment is been taken away from people, ignored and left to die. There is plenty money for every body but corrupt, hungry, evil people are taken these money away for themselves and leaving people without anything.
The man who cares.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/12/2005 11:25 by The berber.
13 June 2005 06:21
"The very basic right of a citizen is his right for free treatment. "

Free treatment for the one who cannot afford it.

i do not encourage the idea of free "everything" but only for the one who really need it.

Unfortunately back to moroko, the rich get it free and the poor "lahla yagulab"
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
14 June 2005 17:22
salamo alaykom
i agree with THE BERBER: Human lives are so cheap in morocco!! i know much poeple who were dying just because the others don't do their jobs as they must do..
the medecines, drugs and medicament are few there. poeple must pay for having the fisrt aids and even if they are enable to stand up and going out bying bandage, shots or.. they find them selves obliged to do it!!
the corruption language is often the only way to comunicate with infirmiers..
the hospitals are most of them dirty and poeple run really a great risks to be contaminated with serious virus and germs..

allah y7fadna w ya7fadkoum..

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