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3 August 2009 10:59
Abortion is a way to kill unborn babies. Some countries agree with abortion, but in Thailand people disagree with it. And in my opinion, it is very bad and wrong way to have abortion. I have three reasons to support my opinion.
The first reason, it is immoral. In Buddhism, when someone kills people, it is a sin. And it seems like killing innocent child, so it is not fair with them. The second reason, it is harmful for your health. You will be sterile. It will make you unhealthy. And you may be in danger while you doing its. Finally, it is illegal in Thailand when you kill unborn babies.
In conclusion, abortion is very wrong. And it is unacceptable so we need to stop it. What do think about abortion?
3 August 2009 11:16
I dont think that women should get abortions? They should at least have the baby and give it up for adoption. Because in my opinion having abortions are wrong and when women have abortions they're killing human beings that haven't had a chance at life yet. So im posting this to get my opinion out there and try and stop woment from having abortions!!!
3 August 2009 11:43
Abortion is a woman's right to choose. Say the woman or girl got raped at a young age. every waking moment of her life, she wil be reminded of that horrendous experience because of the child. I have seen cases where the mother grows up to hate the child because of the memories it brings back.. I am pro choice and believe it should be legalized across the nation.
3 August 2009 15:48
Abortion = Murder
End of story.
Understand it however you want, but murder is murder, and my name is not cheikh Qardawi, Rabbi Isaac, Mother Teresa or Santa Claus.. i don't care about religion, i keep it to myself.
the worst part, it's a planned murder, wish means that in the court of law your ass should be toast in the electrical chair.
It's a messed up materialist world, egoist world, all about me me me me ...
And they wonder why they end up lonely before they die.
3 August 2009 17:03

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2009 05:08 by whatp.
3 August 2009 17:07
what about women victim of rape ????????????moody smileydo you think it s immoral to have abortion in those cases ?
who are we to sentence a woman who was raped to keep the fruit of a violent act and a traumatising tragedy ? do you think the woman will love that baby who will remind her of what happened to her?
i think in case like rape babies and giving birth to handicap children abortion should be allowed

what is moral or immoral is debatable there are circonstances which make abortion an optionsmoking smiley
3 August 2009 17:37
malna hna wmal lboudhism#
you nedd to see it from islam s point of viewNo no
3 August 2009 18:16
malna hna wmal lboudhism#
you nedd to see it from islam s point of viewNo no
wtf do u know about buddhism?
Salma, even in islamic point of view, Abortion is wrong.
plus, im talking to u as a human being, not as a muslim.
what makes you so sure that im a muslim salma?
all i said is that im a Moroccan, i never said i was muslim salma.
did i ?
For ur info,
Siddhartha who was a prince renounced all his wealth and all the lands he owned and the kingdom he was supposed to inherit..cause he saw illumination.
illumination came to him one day and made him buddha.
The enlightened one.
Thereafter, throught his life, he taught the law of Righteousness ..
The law of Resuruction.
the Law of how to reconstruct urself.
3 August 2009 18:29
what about women victim of rape ????????????moody smileydo you think it s immoral to have abortion in those cases ?
who are we to sentence a woman who was raped to keep the fruit of a violent act and a traumatising tragedy ? do you think the woman will love that baby who will remind her of what happened to her?
i think in case like rape babies and giving birth to handicap children abortion should be allowed

what is moral or immoral is debatable there are circonstances which make abortion an optionsmoking smiley
dude, even if a baby is born after a rape, it's not his fault, why kill him or her ?
im not against the death penalty against the rapists, but the babies should live, and if the woman doesn't want them, give em to adoption, millions of coup;les can't even have a child. Some go to china to adopt kids.
Abortion is wrong, Abortion = murder
you don't want the baby, give it to a family who is not capable to have one.
rape or no rape, who cares, wanna kill someone, kill the fathet not the baby.
3 August 2009 18:48
free thinker in some cases there is no other option , for instance the case of Bosnian women and teenager girls when they were raped by Serbs these women couldn t bear giving birth to a serb baby who s father has raped her and killed her family so all those women were drinking wild herbs to kill the baby and cause miscarriage
you are talking like people are queuing to adopt have you seen orphenages in eastern europe they are full of unwanted babies in some tragic circonstances , there is no shortage of babies but there is a shortage of people who will offer a home

in china babies are sold , having a second baby is not allowed and in case a family has one they sell them most of these babies end up in slavery working in coal mines and factories with no human rights
plus china is one of those notorious countries with a complicated adoption systems which put people off the idea
also no one wishes to adopt a disable child sad but true this is why pregnant women in all europe are offered scans which detect some deseases and disabilities so as to have an early abortion
having a handicaped baby is no life not for the baby nor for the parents

abortion is wrong and i am against it but in certain cases such as severe disability and rape i think people need to have the choice

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/03/2009 06:50 by whatp.
3 August 2009 22:15
whatp, my friend
re-read history in a way that was not written by the winners, read history as it was written by the losers, the other version of history..
rape started when arabs invaded north africa, rape started when the arabs sleps with our mothers, if the girl was beautiful, the husband is dead.
Million of Amazigh women gave birth to few Arabs, you don't call that rape?
yet we lived...
why shouldn't a baby born from a rapped mother live?
we came from rapped mothers.
yet we still live.
6 August 2009 17:14
whateverthumbs down
i dont like this topic anyway
10 August 2009 20:05
whatp, my friend
re-read history in a way that was not written by the winners, read history as it was written by the losers, the other version of history..
rape started when arabs invaded north africa, rape started when the arabs sleps with our mothers, if the girl was beautiful, the husband is dead.
Million of Amazigh women gave birth to few Arabs, you don't call that rape?
yet we lived...
why shouldn't a baby born from a rapped mother live?
we came from rapped mothers.
yet we still live.


Excuse me but you are out of subject!

How can you say that it is possible to live, if you know that your mother fell pregnant after being raped. As for me, and for a lot of people mainly the ones who are concerned with this problem it is a traumatising experiment and I don't think children born out of a rape will lead a normal life if they know the truth about their birth. How will they construct their own life in the furture. It's obvious that they will not live but survive all their life and some will kill themselves in the end or become serial killers to give justice to their mother.

A few of them will manage to lead a " normal life " and the percentage is very low.
11 August 2009 01:08
whatp, my friend
re-read history in a way that was not written by the winners, read history as it was written by the losers, the other version of history..
rape started when arabs invaded north africa, rape started when the arabs sleps with our mothers, if the girl was beautiful, the husband is dead.
Million of Amazigh women gave birth to few Arabs, you don't call that rape?
yet we lived...
why shouldn't a baby born from a rapped mother live?
we came from rapped mothers.
yet we still live.


Excuse me but you are out of subject!

How can you say that it is possible to live, if you know that your mother fell pregnant after being raped. As for me, and for a lot of people mainly the ones who are concerned with this problem it is a traumatising experiment and I don't think children born out of a rape will lead a normal life if they know the truth about their birth. How will they construct their own life in the furture. It's obvious that they will not live but survive all their life and some will kill themselves in the end or become serial killers to give justice to their mother.

A few of them will manage to lead a " normal life " and the percentage is very low.

Listen you liberal wanna be, for your info, im more liberal and more left wing than you will ever be, and im 2000% pro-women 's rights and pro equal rights between men and women and believe that 50% of the jobs should be given to women in Morocco, that's how you build a civilization, an empire.
but i have principles.
Before i saw my baby being born, i was as wild as a lion, i was a wild tiger, but once i felt her heart beating next to my heart and heard her breathing, i changed from Che Guevara to Mr Mom.
My wife and i planned for an abortion cause i was not ready, i had other plans and at the last minute in the hospital, i changed my mind and now you should see my girl who was gonna be aborted, a big trouble maker already, and you know what, the most beautiful thing that i saw in my life. After her we had another baby.
That how much i loved my first born.
Wanna have abortion, im not stopping anyone, im as liberal as you will ever meet, but babies need to live cause god wanted them created.
Unless you are not muslim.
If u're not muslim, do whatever the u want, i understand, it' s ur body, ur choice.
But if u are muslim, abortion is a no no.
Rape or no Rape.
End of story.

Here is a song that might make you think HMMMMMM...

You don't call that rape?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/11/2009 01:16 by LibrePenseur.
11 August 2009 21:08
Hi LibrePenseur !

I 'm glad to see you're open -minded. If the majority of men thought like you I think the women condition would be better in some countries. I hope your wife is conscious of the luck she has to be married to a man with such good thoughts.

I'm a mother and the joy I felt when my first baby was born is incomparable, there was magic in the air.
For my second baby who is now 3 months, I wasn't ready because of personal problems with my husband. I didn't even imagine to have a second child with him last year. When I learnt I was pregnant something changed inside myself and it was imoossible for me to think of abortion, even in the state of mind in which I was at that time. I was sad because my husband and I were about to divorce. My first thoughts were : " What life will I give my baby, he 'll not grow up with his two parents living together and will suffer from it one day or other.

I'm a Muslim and I said to mysef that God wants my baby to be born and live on earth with us.

Today I thank God to have given me such a beautiful baby. He and my elder son are the apple of my eyes.

You can travel all over the world, and be marvelled by wonderful landscapes but nothing compares to the happiness felt after the birth of your own child.

I'm neither for nor against abortion, I just try to understand the women who resort to abortion in some particular cases. Is it moral to fill orphanages with orphans who will spend their time waiting for a family to welcome them.

It's easy to say I'm against abortion but what do we do for these unwanted children who end up in the street or orphanages for the luckiest.

Have we ever tried to save just one of them from his or her life of misery. We should not be selfish and think just for the well being of our eyes. Because you and I like most people when we come back home after a day at work we are surrounded by our family, people we love and who love us.

Do we have the right to require women to give birth to children who in the majority of cases will be ill-treated because the mental health of these women is disturbed. The women victim of rape keep reminding of that violence commited against them and it 'll increase their mental anxiety.

What is the point of forcing these women to have a baby when we know the consequences it'll engender for the baby?

The woman's mental health is important and of course we save a baby from misery by allowing her abortion.

Would you accept in the name of Life that your daughter or wife (excuse me and Allah Y ster and protects all your family) have a baby born out of a rape ?

I don't think so and things would be different to your mind.

Let's be more objective for the good of women already suffering. Again do we have the right to condemn future children to a life of unhappiness and mental disorders ?

I'm not judging you I just try to give you my opinion.

Bye !
14 August 2009 12:42
kellya, i respect ur opinion and i can live with it.
That's what democracy is all about.
I just hope that you understand where i come from.
im muslim, how am i gonna face Allah one day if i do let my girl have an Abortion?
i can't.
cause im muslim.
14 August 2009 17:24
LibrePenseur !

I'm Muslim too and I talk of abortion in some specific cases of course. You have your point of view about this subject and I do respect it.

Anyway, the debate over abortion is endless.

When we're younger we are taught religion and we believe and behave according to what we know from religious speeches made by our fathers, mothers, etc...
But when we grow up, we have our own opinion of religion cause we're able to go and search for information about religion ourselves. Mainly when there are things very difficult to understand.

I believe in God and I've always believed in Him.

When you read the Koran the term Merciful is recurring from the the beginnig till the end. That's why I don't believe in an " angry God " but in God full of Love and Mercy for his creatures.

If I had experienced such a tragic experiment ( Allah Y Ster ), I would not be afraid to face Him. He understands what is in our heart.

If God only wanted Angels, he would not have created us. Human beings are sinners and what is taken into account is our efforts to try to keep in the straight and narrow patch.

God loves his creatures more than parents love their own children.Just try to imagine the Love it must be. You're a father and you know how it feels to love one's own child.

It's nice talking to you.

15 August 2009 16:12
LIBRE PENSEUR ; if (god forbids )your daughter or your wife was raped and became pregnant will you insist on your refusal to the abortion and your condamnation to people who choose this solution ?????///?? , if you ask me the same question , i won t think twice about it , abortion may ease the pain in some cases think about it , imagine yourself in such situation faced with a pregnant daughter or a wife raped by a criminal will you be happy to be a grand father to the child born out of a tragic rape ????????????

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/15/2009 04:16 by marocain-09.
20 August 2009 11:04
listen everybody
this topic is rubbish right???
can you ignore it pleaseevil
25 August 2009 23:58
listen everybody
this topic is rubbish right???
can you ignore it pleaseevil
Salam Salma,
i only fool around with people i like, u need to chill girl cause u're getting too serious.
i tried to give u hard time cause i like u but never did insult u. if i didn't like ur ass, you would be on ignore.
do u understand sarcasm?
it's my sarcastic way of saying i like you.
it's an oxymoron and you don't need a Harvard education to understand it.
26 August 2009 10:14
well if you think that s funny you ve got to think about it again
i m not going to talk to you anymore mate
you re banned from my friendship list
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