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[Actualité du Maroc et du Monde] Petition Nichane
10 janvier 2007 à 16:04 [119 messages]
Le journal 16/12/2006 Audiovisuel: Ces indésirables de la télé publique En dépit de la levée du monopole de l’Etat sur les ondes, les vieilles pratiques au sein des chaînes sont ...Suite
[Morocco # English board] An independent Palestinian state ??????
27 décembre 2006 à 16:36 [8 messages]
"Though Ackerman told the Forward he believes that the United States still can help Abbas “without making him look like a puppet,” he criticized the administration for dragging its feet in ...Suite
Peace Not Apartheid Jimmy Carter's Roadmap by Norman Finkelstein November 14, 2006 CounterPunch Printer Friendly Version EMail Article to a Friend The historical chapters of Palestine ...Suite
Abbas attempts a political coup on behalf of Washington By Jean Shaoul 18 December 2006 Mahmoud Abbas, the Fatah president of the Palestinian Authority, has announced that he will dissolve the ...Suite
[Morocco # English board] Watch
20 décembre 2006 à 10:34 [11 messages] What do you think ...Suite
[Morocco # English board] How to Support Carter
18 décembre 2006 à 10:04 [5 messages]
Join AFSC and President Carter in Standing for Peace 12.16.2006 | American Friends Service Committee By Adam Horowitz Dear Faces of Hope Supporter, As we enter the holiday season there are ...Suite
Khalil discloses letter from Hariri's aide: Hariri sought "a pledge of honor" from Sayyed Nasrallah to hand over arms 13/12/2006 The political assistant of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed ...Suite
Iraq Study Group: a bipartisan coverup of Washington’s war crimes By Bill Van Auken 9 December 2006 A striking feature of the Iraq Study Group report is that its belated admission of the ...Suite
[Morocco # English board] Another Bloodbath in Lebanon?
11 décembre 2006 à 12:58 [1 messages]
By Mike Whitney “ 11/05/06 "Information Clearing House" - -- - The Lebanese government has nearly doubled the size of its security forces in recent months by adding about 11,000 mostly Sunnis ...Suite
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