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Attentat en Israel : Les faits vus autrement ...
2 mars 2005 21:30
Attentat en Israel : Les faits vus autrement ...

Comparaison entre le reportage du Jerusalem Post et celui de CNN News ou du
New York Times !
Par Alison Weir

Ceux qui ont été tués dans l'attentat-suicide de la nuit de vendredi à
Tel-Aviv faisaient tous partie d'une unité de combat israélienne qui avait
pris part dans de nombreuses invasions de secteurs civils palestiniens.
Cette unité est responsable de la mort et de la mutilation de nombreux
hommes, femmes et enfants palestiniens. Cette information a été largement
diffusée en Israel.

Nous avons aussi besoin de connaître ce fait.

Svp, appelez ou envoyez des emails à vos journaux locaux en leur demandant
de rapporter ces faits.

Alison Weir


Une unité de l'IDF touchée durement par l'attaque-suicide de Tel Aviv
Jérusalem Post
26 février 2005

L'attaque-suicide de la nuit de vendredi à Tel-Aviv a frappé durement une
unité de combat de l'IDF. L'unité était invitée à célébrer une fête pour
l'un de ses soldats, et se tenait à l'entrée du "Stage", 'quand le kamikaze
a fait exploser la bombe qu'il avait à la ceinture.

Le commandant du peloton, Eran Cohen, a déclaré à la Radio de l'armée :
"Nous étions 13. Toutes les victimes sont de notre unité. Beaucoup d'autres
ont été blessés."

Eran a appelé les soldats de l'unité : "Les meilleurs des meilleurs. L'élite

Au cours des 5 dernières années de cette guerre, nous avons mené à bien
pratiquement chaque mission dans les territoires et nous avons pu
contrecarrer presque tous les types d'attaques contre nous.

En cinq ans, pas un de nos membres n'a été blessé.

C'est ironique d'avoir été frappés tellement durement dans l'explosion de la
nuit de vendredi à Tel Aviv, juste avant une fête," a déclaré Eran.

Alison Weir, Executive Director

Si les Américains savaient
Source : Si les Américains savaient


February 28, 2005

"Tearful comrades-in-arms bid farewell to bombing victims"
- by Tsahar Rotem, Yuval Azoulay and Eli Ashkenazi

Excerpts from story -- *MILITARY IDF* victims:

"Israel Orbach delivered a fiery eulogy, [*PROUDLY*] explaining that he had
served in the same unit as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon[!!!] and Mossad chief
Meir Dagan[!!!]."

"The tough reservists from reserve Company "B," who lost four of their
friends in the suicide bombing on Tel Aviv's promenade"

"Shamir Shushan, who joined the reserve company some eight years ago,
remembered Rubenov as the "engine" that kept the company together"

""As far as we are concerned, the families of those killed are now part of
the [IDF] company"

[I'd bet that most of the Tel Aviv disco victims were in the Israeli
military, as they would have been of military service age. I'd tell Israelis
exactly what Israel tells the Palestinians: Don't put your *combatants* --
or your racist colonialist armed-to-the-teeth *MILITARIZED* apartheid
state -- around your civilians!

You know, the *Paletinians* that Israel kills -- most of them *civilians* --
all have families, friends, and life stories too!]

Aryeh Nagar, 36: "His friends described him as being very devoted to the

Ronen Rubenov, 28: "had come to the Stage club for a surprise party for a
friend from reserves."

Itzik Buzaglo, 40: "was planning to meet friends from Itzik's reserve unit."

Yael Orbach, 28: "Isael Orbach delivered a fiery eulogy, explaining that he
had served in the same unit as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Mossad chief
Meir Dagan."
See [] below


Ha'aretz article:

Dark glasses were unable to conceal the tears shed yesterday. The tough
reservists from reserve Company "B," who lost four of their friends in the
suicide bombing on Tel Aviv's promenade on Friday night, could no longer
hold back their pain.

Alongside the open grave of Aryeh Nagar, 36, in the small cemetery in Kfar
Sava, company commander Eran Cohen wept openly: "An eternal Peter Pan who
never had enough of life," he eulogized his comrade-in-arms.

Dealing with four funerals in a single day is a near-impossible mission even
for such a tightly knit reserve company. To make sure that the group was
appropriately represented at each of the funerals, arrangements regarding
which member would attend which funeral were made beforehand.

Kobi Ohayun, 30, of Jerusalem, was responsible for putting together the
teams for attending each funeral. Ohayun was also one of the first who
turned up at Ichilov Hospital after the attack, to begin compiling a list of
the missing and injured. Yesterday, he pulled the list of mourners out of
his pocket: "As far as we are concerned, the families of those killed are
now part of the company," he said.

Ohayun attended the funeral of Yael Orbach, 28, in Kfar Sava, and then
hurried to Holon, where Ronen Rubenov was buried.

The Kfar Sava cemetery was awash with tears yesterday. First to be buried
there was Orbach, with hundreds accompanying her on her final journey.
Orbach was to be married to Ophir Gonen in three weeks' time, and the couple
was at the Stage club on Friday night to celebrate the 30th birthday of
their friend Yaron Gravesky. They had brought wedding invitations with them.
The suicide bomber detonated his explosive close to the couple, killing
Orbach instantly and leaving Gravesky seriously wounded.

Israel Orbach delivered a fiery eulogy, explaining that he had served in the
same unit as Prime Minister Ariel Sharon and Mossad chief Meir Dagan. "This
girl is the descendant of King David," he said, calling on his former
comrades to avenge her death. "If they don't, I will."

A few hours later, the funeral procession for Nagar began, attended by both
current and former members of the reserve company. Everyone spoke of Nagar's
fresh spirit, and his emotional and physical strength.

Gravesky, whose birthday celebrations were violently cut short by the
attack, attended the funerals of Orbach and Rubenov, and also visited the
wounded at Ichilov Hospital, some of whom insisted on attending Rubenov's
burial. "It was heart-wrenching to see them arriving in wheelchairs and
crying over his grave," he said.

Shamir Shushan, who joined the reserve company some eight years ago,
remembered Rubenov as the "engine" that kept the company together: "He was
very dominant, and always maintained good ties with all the soldiers in
reserve duty and in civilian life. If something had to be organized, Ronen
was clearly the one to do it."

At the funeral of Itzik Buzaglo on Moshav Mishmar Hayarden, Rafi, the
bereaved father, addressed his words to his son's comrades. "I am
strengthening you, too. Itzik spoke about you and the company constantly. He
would say to me: `Dad, what a bunch of guys, real friends.' Now, we have to
be strong."

Hundreds turned up yesterday to console the family, and the more they spoke
about Buzaglo, the clearer the picture of his character became. Family
members, friends from the moshav and friends from the reserve company all
spoke again and again of a man who served as a fine example of leadership
and doing deeds for others.

Author: Tsahar Rotem, Yuval Azoulay & Eli Ashkenazi
Posted: Monday February 28, 2005 06:13 AM

2 mars 2005 21:51
Informations censurées en France ou informations orientées ?that is the question???
2 mars 2005 22:05

Vous croyez qu'Arlette Chabot va diffuser cette info? Non.
2 mars 2005 23:27
je prefere rire car vous etes les champions de la désinformations!!

les victimes de l'attentat de tel-aviv etaient des jeunes comme tous les jeunes qui en israel font l'armée ou on fait l'armée!

si un terroriste islamiste du djihad se fait exploser ds un groupe de jeunes , ces jeunes ont forcement soit fait l'armée et sont dans des unités soit ils sont en permission de sorties!!

alors venir dire que le kamikaze ne touche que des militaires et que ces militaires sont à l'origine de je ne sais koi pour jusitifier son acte c'est la preuve encore une fois de vos dé de votre haine

commencer à lire et ecouter des radios juives et israelienne et vous verrez autrement les choses....
2 mars 2005 23:48
commencer à lire et ecouter des radios juives et israelienne et vous verrez autrement les choses....

on voit que cela a de l effet sur toi!

Ton esprit est conditionné par la charogne pestiféréé!
3 mars 2005 01:24
odile : Tu te tire une balle dans le pied. Si tous les jeunes israeline font ou ont fait l'armé d'apres toi, c'est que les kamikazes palestiniens ont le droit légitime (puisque c'est une guerre) de les attaquer. Tant qu'ils visent des jeunes c'est bon alors....
3 mars 2005 11:18

Je salue cet attentat qui à permis aux palestiniens de se débarasser des terroristes qui tuent leurs enfants.
3 mars 2005 17:31
malheureusement, la bêtise humaine n a pas de limite.
tu me laisses bouche-bée par ton raisonnement à la noix.
et pour ne pas se répéter, je me joigne à Hichamo.