north star
Survival skills in life are different from those on the road. Everybody has the same right and responsability to drive safely and not to use aggression. It's not up to any goverment to change ...Suite
LeMask, I'm not dude - I'm woman :P Those idiots on the road I'm talking about before they die most of the time they're taking other innocent lives with them. I think we agree ...Suite
I'm talking about donkey - you're talking about monkey :heu: The roads are made for normal people and not for Kamikadzes who's bored out of their heads and looking for cheap thrills on ...Suite
If you like danger - go hire racing car on the RACING TRACK and enjoy yourself. Public roads are for sensible users not for nutters with suicidal tendencies ...Suite
Driving like robots? That's the public road, if you want to drive like a maniac or see if you lucky enough not to die when you roll off the cliff then by all means go to road which nobody uses ...Suite
What??? What stupidity has to do with safety on the road??? People who are using coaches as their transport are not responsible for an idiot driver who suddenly thinks he's a Schumacher and his ...Suite
Driving is fine??? You're must be joking :oups: Haven't you seen a car or even a coach taking over 5-6 vehicles on the blind spot?? Haven't you seen a taxi loaded with 5-6 people ...Suite
Weather, fresh fish, fresh fruit (most of all figs and giant ...Suite
to pingpong your knowledge about Morocco has expired long time ago, but for Pakistan all the above written by you still valid, also to that list you can add that in Pakistan illiteracy is about ...Suite
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