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Your Locations!!!
13 March 2005 00:52
Hello techelhit !

Are u from Strasbourg ?

The board is very friendly indeed ! I like it very much smiling smiley

Peace & Love...
13 March 2005 20:50
as Krim asked (certainly not for his information but for the other participants ;-) ), I have to answer also the famous location survey on yabiladi: I am living in Berlin Germany.

14 March 2005 03:00
I am in Montreal, the weather is not bad these days...

when you said you used to work at UCLA, do you mean a post-doc?


15 March 2005 23:25
Hi Dead Rose ... I am actually 300 kms away from Strasbourg (that is the closer moroccan consulate for us!!!) on the border of Luxembourg

Nearest towns as I live in a village winking smiley Metz or Nancy

Where are you from again???
17 March 2005 14:43
Hi tachelhit!!

I'm from's a bit far from u lol smiling smiley
Peace & Love...
18 March 2005 08:24
hi sunny,
i m from the east coast of us, Mass
by the way, thanks for the question, it was a smart way to know each other(i mean moroccans in blad elghorba)
18 March 2005 15:22
Since you're in Lille,
You should take a trip to a beautiful town not far from Lille, Le Quesnoy, and while you're there go and eat "Chez Ahmed" a nice small restaurant. you won't waste your time, it's real nice...
take care,

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/18/2005 11:07 by almotanabi.
18 March 2005 15:34

thanks so much for this information! I'll try to take that trip as soon as possible. smiling smiley
Peace & Love...
18 March 2005 21:09
You're welcome capricio10 smiling smiley and Marhbabik with ussmiling smiley we're all one family!!!
22 March 2005 21:26
i'm in Texas
i let you imagine how is the weather!!
22 March 2005 22:12
I have an idea. Why can´t we tell a little or much about where we live. The weather, the social and taxes systems, the culture, the ethnicity and so on. It could be interesting. Sometimes a country, a state or a group of people can be a lot more and much different than we think.

What do you say?

I mean everybody off coursewinking smiley

23 March 2005 00:57
I thaught Texas is the only state that is safe from this rainy Season??? Besides the Humidity it's very badsmiling smiley but still I love Houston something about it is speacial to mesmiling smiley
31 March 2005 09:08
As i mentioned earlier in this subject i reside in boston

the weather, this year was horrible, it have been a long winter (seven months of cold weather and snow storms), thanks ALLAH , it's almost over.
concerning the taxes system, i don't know if u mean by that the state taxes or the country as a whole.
any way, the sales tax in MASS is 5%,if u mean the system taxes in the country,it is based on federal, state, and local taxes which add up to reach over 52% of our paychecks.
In the social side, masschusettes is a mix of cultures, the majority are the Irish people followed by the haitian people, without forgetting the moroccan immigrants,most of them from mohamadia.

peace out wlad elblad

31 March 2005 19:33
i'm from romania, bucharest
31 March 2005 21:45


I m from Brussel, Belgium.
2 April 2005 19:02
Hi everybody,

I live in Granada, Spain.

7 April 2005 05:44
dear all,

I am from Fairfax, Virginia
moving to sterling in a month smiling smiley

actually it is a sad smiley instead of smiling smiley since it's a heck in the "back" essentially in the exam period
"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
7 April 2005 06:38
Hello All

good luck to u Nicy smiling smiley keep on smiling smileysmiling smileysmiling smileying
Peace & Love...
7 April 2005 07:49
I guess I'm almost beating every body up when it comes to cold. I live in Sweden and it have been down to -35 where I live.
__________________________________________________________________ La vie et non la naissance annoblit l'homme :-) __________________________________________________________________
7 April 2005 15:54
Sunny Wrote:
> I thaught Texas is the only state that is safe
> from this rainy Season??? Besides the Humidity
> it's very bad but still I love Houston something
> about it is speacial to me


what's special about Texas? winking smiley
12 April 2005 23:32
Hi Krim,

Do you still have any contacts with UCLA tongue sticking out smiley Wanna get an I20 for my MBA there tongue sticking out smiley
Actually I'm in SF, CA
13 April 2005 09:00
Sorry Yca I can´t help.
17 April 2005 10:38
Hello everybody! [img][/img]

I came back from Morocco three weeks ago and was delighted when I accidently found this English language Moroccoforum on the Internet. The name of “Yabiladi” means that Morocco is the forum-users homecountry, doesn’t it?

Well, I am not from Morocco, but I have been there several times, travelling around. I am really impressed by Moroccan landscapes and nature and the Moroccan people’s friendliness and hospitality. And I love Morrocan mint tea.[img][/img]

I would like to participate in your discussions, exchange informations and views about Morocco and intercultural dialogue. So I hope that this forum is not reserved for Moroccan origin users only.

As an answer to Sunnys question, I can tell you that I have been living in Norway for many years, but I was born and brought up in Germany.

I have chosen the nick “Calendula” because this is a flower, which is at home in many countries. Also in Morocco, where I saw lots of wild growing orange Calendula flowers, when we visited Volubilis this year.

B’sslama [img][/img]

17 April 2005 11:57

welcome to you Calendula, be our guest, and beaware that this forum is not only for people of moroccan background, so as I read you, you mentionned that you grew up in Germany but where you live now?
17 April 2005 12:31
welcome Calendula, you're in family,
Tell us more about you trip to Morocco...
17 April 2005 14:36
Hi, Soprano and Almot!

Thanks for your welcome!

I am living in Norway, have been here for 25 years now.

We have very nice and sunny weather today, so I am sitting in my garden, trying out my laptop in open air. I am living on the west coast of Norway. Usually we have a lot of rain here, but in spring it is often nice and warm. Well, relatively warm, for most Moroccans, I think, would consider this to be winter [img][/img] . I have just checked the temperature, it is about 15 degrees Celsius, but of course it is warmer in the sun.

I will tell you about our last trip to Morocco later, now my garden is waiting for me to work.

17 April 2005 16:23


17 April 2005 20:39
Welcome to you Calendula smiling smiley
Peace & Love...
18 April 2005 07:19

clandoula marhaban and thousand welcomes

welcome to your forum, your cyber space or simply to your other home

we are delighted that a norvegie has joined the latter

grinning smiley

Calendula a écrit:
> Hello everybody!
> I came back from Morocco three weeks ago and was
> delighted when I accidently found this English
> language Moroccoforum on the Internet. The name of
> “Yabiladi” means that Morocco is the forum-users
> homecountry, doesn’t it?
> Well, I am not from Morocco, but I have been there
> several times, travelling around. I am really
> impressed by Moroccan landscapes and nature and
> the Moroccan people’s friendliness and
> hospitality. And I love Morrocan mint tea.
> I would like to participate in your discussions,
> exchange informations and views about Morocco and
> intercultural dialogue. So I hope that this forum
> is not reserved for Moroccan origin users only.
> As an answer to Sunnys question, I can tell you
> that I have been living in Norway for many years,
> but I was born and brought up in Germany.
> I have chosen the nick “Calendula” because this is
> a flower, which is at home in many countries. Also
> in Morocco, where I saw lots of wild growing
> orange Calendula flowers, when we visited
> Volubilis this year.
> B’sslama
> Calendula

"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
18 April 2005 09:00
Hallo und Willkommen lieber Calendula

Hello and welcome

Ahlan oua Marhaba

I hope you are enjoying fixing up you garden

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