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What i have to do
8 septembre 2016 02:28
So my friend asked me to make a questione here to see your vision of a problem that moroccans find a difficult obstacle, her fiance talked with her about work and told her that he doesn't want her to work but she stand for her right and at the end he said yes but he said "your money, like my money, are ours money" but she discussed with him and told him that she will keep her money apart for something big like buyin a house or things like that. But no way, he told her "wait so if you buy a house you will tell mein the future that you buy it by your money? If you want to work, all the things, the bills too, we have to divide it half" what do you think about this situation?
8 septembre 2016 08:18

They have to discuss about how to manage money and expenses in their own way !

Modifié 2 fois. Dernière modification le 08/09/16 08:27 par alinacoeur.
8 septembre 2016 12:26
Salam ?

Cet anglais approximatif... ptdr

L'argent que gagne une femme lui appartient, elle n'a pas à subvenir aux besoins de la famille, aux charges et depenses du foyer...

Maintenant si par son travail, elle peut pas accomplir ses devoirs de mère, genre garder les gosses, il me parait logique qu'elle répare ca financièrement en gérant la crèche etc.
Qu'elle paye aussi sa part d'impôt dans les revenus du foyer.

Maintenant si le gars galère et que par principe elle veut rien donner (participer), je trouve ca terriblement malsain.
8 septembre 2016 13:36

money money money...

Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre
8 septembre 2016 14:05
Les hommes ne disposent que de 20% du budget familial, alors qu’ils y contribuent à plus de 50%.
SansSucre a écrit:
Salam ?

Cet anglais approximatif... ptdr

L'argent que gagne une femme lui appartient, elle n'a pas à subvenir aux besoins de la famille, aux charges et depenses du foyer...

Maintenant si par son travail, elle peut pas accomplir ses devoirs de mère, genre garder les gosses, il me parait logique qu'elle répare ca financièrement en gérant la crèche etc.
Qu'elle paye aussi sa part d'impôt dans les revenus du foyer.

Maintenant si le gars galère et que par principe elle veut rien donner (participer), je trouve ca terriblement malsain.
I got fake people showin' fake love to me Straight up to my face, straight up to my face...
8 septembre 2016 14:16

In Islam the wife can work but under certain conditions, if she works she can keep all of her pays. It's an obligation for the husband to provide for his family, not for the wife.
Nasmafislam a écrit:
So my friend asked me to make a questione here to see your vision of a problem that moroccans find a difficult obstacle, her fiance talked with her about work and told her that he doesn't want her to work but she stand for her right and at the end he said yes but he said "your money, like my money, are ours money" but she discussed with him and told him that she will keep her money apart for something big like buyin a house or things like that. But no way, he told her "wait so if you buy a house you will tell mein the future that you buy it by your money? If you want to work, all the things, the bills too, we have to divide it half" what do you think about this situation?
8 septembre 2016 16:11
I think cest une matérialiste. He must not be a muslim because in Islam all things and all money of the wife ARE TO THE WIFE !!!!

I advice her to go far away. A man who want to control is a danger
8 septembre 2016 17:31
Toujours l'argent l'argent l'argent... changez de disque thumbs up
8 septembre 2016 18:28
Toujours marrants les commentaires sur ce genre de post
8 septembre 2016 20:36
C'est plus que marrant ma foi !!
DonDanburyy a écrit:
Toujours marrants les commentaires sur ce genre de post
9 septembre 2016 16:02
What the fuck!
9 septembre 2016 16:32
It's a normal situation, it's not specific to morrocan men.

Even a french guy will divide by half every single expense

You can't expect a man to ensure all household expense if he doesn't have a consequent bank account

Why does she want to work ? I think that your friend doesn't understand the meaning of wedding

Wedding is sharing not individualism
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