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Can I trust a moroccan woman ?
3 January 2014 19:01
Any moroccan woman and man living in Birmingham ?
15 January 2014 15:19
I believe the answer is in the question itself, You don't even trust her enough to ask her if you can trust her directly, but instead, you're ready to have the word of some completely anonymous strangers.
and you said that you're about to marry her? I might be young and don't know how a lot of things work in real life but I'm most certainly sure that a marriage that's not built on trust ends up with a divorce, That a fact :p
17 March 2014 23:34
Don't worry a bit mate. I think writing on this forum regarding this subject landed you in jail! well you should be asking such questions to men and Never involving the 'new modern feminism'

its a great question about morocco girls (that's what I goggled) I was disappointed in most replies sorry to say. religion got involved + pride. I am just as interested as you are about these girls over there. I had an Egyptian/german buddy who often travels for biz to Casablanca. he has a blast with the chics there. he told me the virtually hunt you when you leave the hotel. they wink at you and exchange phone#s easily. plus so much more. trust? my friend told me to stash the wallet! and watch your drink in your room, she may add something to it.

finally, I really recommend you visiting sites like: rooshV, The Single Dude's Guide to Life & Travel, Maverick Traveler, Naughty Nomad Like Lonely planet, but with the sex, drugs & rock'n'roll.

oh another note dan.piper99 , morocco has the highest divorce rate in the arab or the Islamic world, then Tunisia, then Algeria then Egypt then Iraq. so MO is for 'game'

I would love to visit mo fur fun to be honest. I will head to Bulgaria, Belarus, Romania this summer. after that its back to se asia specially Cambodia and Vietnam.

best of luck to you
26 March 2014 23:30
You can trust your enemy and not a woman in general. Always be careful when you deal with them.
good luck
27 March 2014 16:22
why u said that we have a very old mentality i can said the same thinks about a men
8 August 2015 05:12
7 December 2016 11:47
you should never trust a moroccan woman living in Morocco, she will use black magic called sihr to cloud your brain and also poison your stomach.The aim is to get u to marry her or take her with to a first world country.the aim is a ticket meal.furthermore you ll have in charge her mother , her partner in crime , and also her dysfunctional family.A moroccan woman in Morocco will always see u as a walking ATM .No compassion , inexperience in sex and a taboo in everything related to life also it will be all according to her and her vision first , u will not exist anymore , so expect to be there only as a provider.It s a third world mentality that will always take, and never give .She will use Islam only when it will suit her.u see in Morocco it s ll about material things , so the one who is rich will walk all over the poor .So if you wanna become a zombie have a relationship with a moroccan lady .the black magy they will make u eat will poison your body , the one u will walk over will cloud your judgement
21 May 2017 23:11
1) Do NOT call Morocco an Arab country, its a North African country.
2) do NOT fetishise over us.
3) if you're you're going to call us easy, then why the hell are
coming to Morocco to sexualise us.

Your whole post was offensive and rude. You are ignorant. Stop treating Morocco like Thailand. I hope one of our sisters does use you!
2 August 2017 22:28
Can I ask you something in PM?
1) Do NOT call Morocco an Arab country, its a North African country.
2) do NOT fetishise over us.
3) if you're you're going to call us easy, then why the hell are
coming to Morocco to sexualise us.

Your whole post was offensive and rude. You are ignorant. Stop treating Morocco like Thailand. I hope one of our sisters does use you!
3 August 2017 00:07
Do not treat any women like you wouldn't treat your mother and sister, respect brings respect.
17 November 2019 18:34
I know Morroco and I would tell you the following points as an advice 1) Trust is a result it's not a goal , don't think about it let the behaviour and actions which your women lead you to trust her .... her action her what she do not what she say ... truest is a result..
2) one it comes to morrocan or non morrocan keep this criteria in your mind :
1/2) How she treats her mum and dad the level of love and respect
2/2) How her Mum deals and treats her father
3/2) How her father is functioning at home is he in control or not
4/2) Tack a girl that comes from a well strctuerd family
3) Never ever marry to a single mum what so ever they are )damaged goods)
4) Never ever marry to a divorce lady
5) look for a single educated girl from a good family don't think about the looks because if it's marrge thing about the personality and mortality.

All the best
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