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Is there moroccans living in Japan.
25 January 2008 20:36
Is there moroccans living in Japan.I am asking because I am willing to go soon inchaalah there ,and I wanna get friends from here because there it's hard really to get friends ,because if the difference in culture.If someone who knows someboday who's living there ,let me know and I will really appreciat that.
5 February 2008 00:24
what you going to do there ? i love japan, and there culture, Imo better than ours tongue sticking out smiley
7 February 2008 12:05
Good luck man, I think It won't be easy at all to find Moroccan people over there....

But Inchallah....Angel
10 February 2008 20:43
I 've met one Japanese girl and we wanna marry in summer ich'allah.So,I 've starting learning some japanese and about the culture as well .But the objectif of my email here is if someone who knows someone who's living in Japan and he's moroccan ,I would love really to contact him before I move there ,because I knew that just few moroccans there .
Thanks friends for your nice replies .
12 February 2008 11:42
If you searching for Moroccans in japan, its like you searching Moroccans on the Moon. In whole japan there are not more than few Moroccans including the Embassy employers
12 February 2008 13:21
I have a Moroccan acquaintance working at Univeristy of Kyoto in Japan (he is a scientist)

I could give you his email so you might be able to get in touch with him once you move there

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/12/2008 01:38 by Aymen1978.
12 February 2008 13:33
wow you're going to marry a japanese? that's so cool!! Japanese are so nice and friendly, more approachable than the chinese for example, but to live in the country of the rising sun is a whole new world, you have to prepare yourself as it'll be a complete shock to the system, but you might enjoy it though..good luck
There is no sincerer love than the love of food. George Bernard Shaw
14 February 2008 13:01
Thank you for all guys!!!
No glad to hear from each one opinion. Aymen1978 !!! Can you please handle me your friend's email ,I wanna contact him before I reach there. Maybe he's going to give me more details and info that I am looking for .
Shukran all of you and Happy Valentine's day .
30 March 2009 13:28
hello im moroccan living in japan
near by tokyo (saitama)
if you want to contact me i also want some morocca‚Žfriend in japan
if you have Email give it to me to contact more easy
im gonna wait your letter welcom in japan
8 April 2009 22:46
You'll fine Moroccans all over the world..
22 February 2013 17:02
I'm Moroccan living here in Japan in Tokyo
You are welcome to Japan
2 May 2013 23:09
Lisashibata smiling smiley hello.. I would like to contact you too because I'm planning to go for my studies in japan next year ila bghalah grinning smiley
18 June 2013 00:41
I'm plaining to go to japan for study next year !! I wanna to contact someone who had such experience or live in japan or just know about it !! so contact me in my e-mail : [email protected] or this is my account facebook : hassna nour
12 July 2013 11:25
bonjour !madame shibata je suis marocaine et j'habite à hyogo_ken ashiya_shi,je suis au japon depuis 24ans.c'est un peu loin de tokyo!
30 September 2013 00:03
Bonjour! Je suis nouvellement expatriée au japon (déjà un mois) et j'ai trouvé ce dossier par hasard. Y a-t-il des Marocains dans la préfecture d'Ibaraki ou Tokyo?
19 October 2013 02:30
I have a Moroccan acquaintance working at Univeristy of Kyoto in Japan (he is a scientist)

I could give you his email so you might be able to get in touch with him once you move there

I guess we have the same acquaintance. Was he in the engineering department?
26 October 2013 15:37
bonjour !madame shibata je suis marocaine et j'habite à hyogo_ken ashiya_shi,je suis au japon depuis 24ans.c'est un peu loin de tokyo!

Je suis ici depuis un an. J'habite à Osaka, pas loin d'Ashiya. Si tu veux qu'on se rencontrer quelque part ici à Osaka ou Kobe, tu peux me lancer un PM ou tu peux même m'ajouter sur LINE.
Voila mon ID: sinneral.

Je viendrai à Tokyo probablement le mois prochain, Si un Marocain ou une Marocaine veulent q'on se rencontre là bas pendant mon séjour, n'hésitez pas à me contacter (PM ou LINE).

13 February 2014 14:28
Hello, Moroocan living in Japan and searching for Moroccan friends...
29 June 2014 14:42
Hello everybody I am here in tokyo like 4 month it's hard live here because I do not know when can I find the Moroccans here I really wanna have a friend of my country thank you very much
9 August 2014 11:46
Y a-t-il quelqu'un qui a réussi a étudier au Japon? je veux son email ou son Compte Facebook s'il vous plaît .
20 August 2014 09:44
salam khouya bouya Mohamed

I am in Japan you can add me on Facebook

ID Momo Ettouhami


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/20/2014 09:47 by nikaia76.
21 August 2014 15:32
The question was posted more than six years ago and you guys still keep on posting answers here. Most probably, the guy has already married his girlfriend, they might even have had a couple of children by this time.

We would though hear of those who successfully or unsuccessfully completed their studies in Japan, maybe it would be better to start a new thread for that.
15 October 2014 02:49
im about to go next year in sha allah winking smiley
23 October 2014 23:56 planing to go to tokyo
after 2years and im asking for some school that are good thair....if u knew pls do tell me
11 November 2014 23:06
hello guys
please those who went to Japan for studying purposes could u give me some details about how u got there is it a scholarship or what ?
it would be gladly appreciated smiling smiley
26 November 2014 17:22
Objet : Préparation du projet personnel.

Salam Alaikum

Je suis actuellement en formation ingénieur intégré à l’ICAM de Toulouse en 3éme année. Année durant laquelle j’ai pour objectif d’organiser mon projet humanitaire. Je vous envoie donc ce mail dans le cadre d’une recherche de premiers contacts au Japon, pays dans lequel je souhaiterais réaliser mon projet.

J’ai toujours rêvé de visiter le Japon et j’ai envie de me donner les moyens de réaliser ce projet à travers l’Expériment. Mes premières recherches m’on vite conduit à une véritable problématique : l’obtention du visa pour le Japon étant étranger. Je suis de nationalité Marocaine et je réside actuellement en France. Cette démarche est relativement complexe de part la quantité de documents détaillés à fournir sur le séjour (Justifications de domiciles et d’activités pour chaque journée). L’obtention d’un certificat d’éligibilité (COE) faciliterait grandement l’obtention du visa. Ce certificat ne peut être fourni que par une structure déjà présente au japon (école, entreprise, association, habitant, famille, amis) me donnant ainsi le droit d’entrée dans l’archipel nippone.

Ne connaissant actuellement personne là bas, il m’est très difficile de prendre contact avec qui que ce soit et de parvenir à trouver des structures pouvant m’accueillir. J’ai vu dans un site que vous résidez actuellement au pays du soleil levant, c’est dans cette optique que je vous écris. Je vous envoie ce mail en premier contact, pour savoir si vous auriez un peu de temps à m’accorder afin de me donner quelques conseils et peut-être m’orienter vers d’éventuelles personnes qui seraient aptes à m’accueillir au sein d’une structure (entreprise dans le cadre d’un stage ou une association humanitaire). Je voudrais vraiment aller au Japon.. et le réel problème est au niveau du logement.

Je vous remercie par avance, et vous transmets mes salutations en attendant de vous lire.

Bennis Ghali
18 January 2015 17:06
Lol, u don't need to look for moroccan in Japan. U'll enjoy livin' there with japanese. They're obliging and helpful. Moroccans are helpless to help grinning smiley

No Yakuza's accompany !! grinning smiley
I have an important message to deliver to all the cute people all over the world. If you're out there and you're cute, maybe you're beautiful. I just want to tell you somethin' -- there's more of us UGLY MOTHERF****RS than you are, hey-y, so watch out.
4 February 2015 14:17
Give me Your skype or any social media ... I really need some advice, If you can give me a little bit of your time smiling smiley thanks
4 February 2015 14:23
bonjour !madame shibata je suis marocaine et j'habite à hyogo_ken ashiya_shi,je suis au japon depuis 24ans.c'est un peu loin de tokyo!

Give me Your skype or any social media ... I really need some advice, If you can give me a little bit of your time smiling smiley thanks
9 May 2015 23:20
Hello my friend , do you actually still live in japan , i need some informations please , i want to go there but i dont know from where to start
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