Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
for the people that bought land in sidi rahal chez al chorfa
9 octobre 2016 00:42
Salam my name is Mhammed i'm looking for the people that bought lands from sidi rahal maroc chez chorfa and they have not have a chance to register theirs contracts we are small groupe that have the same situations as you know the region is being developed and soon the land you bought with hard money could belong to someone else please if you are interested at least in starting some sort of conversation how to secure these lands let us know my email is [email protected] i know most people bought these lands reside outside the country of Morocco and it hard to get together and that what the seller is counting on. I my self bought the lands about 20 years ago and give the contracts to the agency that come in year 2000 to solve the problem and nothing had been done in this matter.
while the office was collecting the contrats I noticed hundreds of contrat bought same way and most of the buyers are Moroccan residing overseas so please contact me at the email above so we start sharing info thanks and Good luck to everyone.
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