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Lettre D'une soeur Iraqienne a tous les musulmans du Monde
23 février 2006 00:43
Des le debut de la guerre contre l'Iraq les shiaas se sont allies aux Americains en cooperant avec eux dans tous les domaines. Les shiaas ont vendu les ressources de L'Iraq aux soldats de cette nouvelles croisades. Non seulement ca mais ils se sont attaques a nos freres et soeurs sunni en leur faisant subir les pires crimes...

Ceci est une lettre d'une soeur Iraqienne a tous les muslmans du monde afin qu'ils ouvrent leurs yeux et qu'ils comprennent ce qui passe en Iraq

U can download the video at any of the following links:

23 février 2006 01:03
bull shi-t

u with ur bloody pseudo, we know u and ur bloody friends

keep ur s-hit away from us

manipulation de a à z
23 février 2006 16:08

Ur message clearly shows that you have absolutely no manners. U have the right to disagree but you surely don't have any right to inslut me, call me names and accusing me.

The video on the link is a true testimony from a sister in Iraq. The pictures of torture and killing of our Sunni brothers and sisters in Iraq are all over the internet. The news are even in Al Jazeera. About 168 Sunni mosques have been trashed yesterday and about 200 of our Sunni brothers have been kidnapped and shot dead. Here are links in case u don't trust me:


Now if u have any respect for yourself at least try to bring ur proofs and explain to me what you mean when u say "we know you and ur bloody friends". Whom am I? and who are my bloody friends.

I am muslim, I adhere to the teachings of the Quran and the Sunnah of the prophet peace be upon him. Those whom u call my friends are actually my brothers. As a matter of fact, all those who attest "La Illaha Illa Allah Muhamed Rassulu Allah" and follow the Sunnah of Muhamed pbuh are my brothers whom I love in the sake of Allah and whom I have the duty to love in the sake of Allah and protect them with all I can.

Argana please tell me who you are and who ur friends are.
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