Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
Dhu L-Kifl
13 décembre 2011 15:47
Salamo alaykom wa rahmatolah wabarakatoh,

Que connaissez-vous de ce personnage -très peu cité dans les textes religieux islamiques-?
Défini comme étant un être vertueux dans les quelques versets (21.85 - 21.86) où il est cité.
Certains l'identifient à Ezéchiel dans l'Ancien Testamen, d'autre prétendent qu'il serait en fait Bouddha...
Toute précision est bien sûr la bienvenue!

Bonne aprem'
Le beau sans le vrai est une illusion sans âme. [center](๏̯͡๏)[/center] [ Que Dieu bénisse celui dont l'avatar assassin est l'idée. MERCI ]
14 décembre 2011 00:09
assalamou 3alaykoum

je suis tombe sur ca:


The mid-twentieth century scholar, Hamid Abdul Qadir, in his Buddha the Great: His Life and Philosophy (Arabic: Budha al-Akbar Hayatoh wa Falsaftoh), postulates that the Prophet Dhu’l-Kifl, meaning “the one from Kifl,” mentioned twice in the Quran (21.85 and 38.48) as patient and good, refers to Shakyamuni Buddha. Although most scholars identify Dhu'l-Kifl with the Prophet Ezekiel, Qadir explains that “Kifl” is the Arabicized form of Kapila, short for Kapilavastu. He also proposes that the Qur’anic mention of the fig tree (95.1-5) refers to Buddha as well, since he attained to enlightenment at the foot of one. Some scholars accept this theory and, as support for this position, point out that the eleventh-century Muslim historian of India, al-Biruni, referred to Buddha as a Prophet. Others dismiss this last piece of evidence and explain that al-Biruni was merely describing that people in India regarded Buddha as a prophet.

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