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400 ingénieurs et architectes américains s’interrogent
12 septembre 2008 14:43
400 ingénieurs et architectes américains s’interrogent sur les vraies raisons de l'effondrement des 3 tours du WTC.

Richard Gage est un architecte californien; il est devenu l’une des figures centrales du mouvement pour la vérité sur le 11 Septembre. M.Gage évoque ici le parcours qui l'a amené à se pencher – lui, un spécialiste de ce type de structures métalliques lourdes - sur les détails techniques des destructions des bâtiments du World Trade Center. Il raconte comment il en est venu à douter de la version médiatique justifiant les effondrements et pulvérisations des trois gratte-ciel du WTC. Quel choc cela fut pour lui et les collègues de son bureau d’études. Comment ils ont travaillé ensemble, sans a priori et en toute honnêteté et transparence. Et comment par voie de conséquences, il en est venu à fonder "Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth", qui rassemble à ce jour déjà plus de 400 ingénieurs et architectes.

Encore une fois, les doutes sur la thèse officielle du 11 Septembre sont formulés par des professionnels reconnus dont on ne saurait réfuter les compétences! Comme vous le retrouverez dans notre section "patriots questions" ce sont maintenant plus de 700 militaires, pilotes et architectes qui ont pris position contre les explications officielles de l'administration Bush et qui demandent qu'une enquête scientifique, impartiale et internationale soit ouverte sur cet évènement tragique.
Vous êtes un professionnel du bâtiment (architecte, ingénieur en génie civil ou autre) ? Nous vous invitons à nous contacter.

Télécharger cette vidéo en meilleure qualité.
12 septembre 2008 15:33
encoreeee theorie de la conspiration et du Complot... en gros on ne peut meme plus se fier a des architectes...une question??? pourquoi autant de monde se poserait autant de question???? et si c'est theories...n'etaient pas en fait des theories...??? j'ose pas imaginer la suite...
bonne chorba a toutes et a tous...sans oublier EDVIGE...smiling smiley

mais ou va t'on hein...smiling smiley


Welcome to Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth!

474 architectural and engineering professionals
and 2353 other supporters including A&E students
have signed the petition demanding of Congress
a truly independent investigation.

Architects, Engineers and all others may sign the petition!

We will post your name after verifying your A&E credentials —
and other info for non-A&E's.

The years since 9/11/01 have given us the time and space to emerge from the hypnotic trance of the shocks of these attacks and to rationally evaluate the existing and new evidence that has become available.

Architects and Engineers are trained to design buildings that function well and withstand potentially destructive forces. However, the 3 high-rise buildings at the World Trade Center which "collapsed" on 9/11 (the Twin Towers plus WTC Building #7) presented us with a body of evidence (i.e., controlled demolition) that was clearly outside the scope of our training and experience.

In addition, the shock that hit us on that date from the repeated attacks and staggering loss of life has limited our ability to rationally evaluate what really happened. We therefore found ourselves relying solely upon the judgment of outside "experts"... and, quite willing to, "go along" with the collective myth that has unfolded: that "the buildings failed structurally due to the aircraft impacts and resulting fires". After all, we saw the aircraft slam into the building, the resulting huge fireball, and the ensuing "collapses".

There is however a growing body of very solid evidence regarding these "collapses" that has emerged in the last couple of years - gaining ground even in the mainstream media. This new evidence casts grave doubt upon the theories of the 9/11 building collapse "experts" as well as the official reports by the 9/11 Commission, FEMA, and NIST.

It lays out a solid convincing case which architects & engineers will readily see: that the 3 WTC high-rise buildings were destroyed by both classic and novel forms of controlled demolition. You will find the evidence here in our website as well as at the linked websites. We hope you will find the courage and take the necessary time to review each section thoroughly.

After all, if in fact these buildings were professionally demolished with explosives, and since it takes months of planning and engineering to place the explosives, and since these buildings were highly secure from foreign terrorists, then we are presented with a horrible conclusion that we cannot deny: that this entire event must have been planned and orchestrated by a group other than those who are blamed by our Government. The questions raised are numerous and ominous that must be answered in the context of a truly independent unimpeachable congressional investigation with subpoena power.

We can play a very significant role as building professionals because we have the necessary technical credibility that Congress will respond to. Please join us in calling for a re-investigation.
12 septembre 2008 23:16
eye popping smiley

t'es serieux là ?
13 septembre 2008 02:15
candi-up a écrit:
eye popping smiley

t'es serieux là ?

biensur que non , t'inquietes...smiling smiley tu peux dormir tranquillou...smiling smiley
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