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COVID-19 Conspiracy Theory
23 April 2020 16:24

He got some bal**. Love it!

Feel free to share smiling smiley This needs to go viral..

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2020 07:03 by pistache31.
23 April 2020 16:45
Not sure i understand the whole picture but if there is even à small piece of truth in this, some people must pay.
23 April 2020 16:46
Salam pistache

I don’t understand, mais je vais essayer grinning smiley
23 April 2020 18:23
This why we need to raise awareness about it. Everyone needs to know..
Not sure i understand the whole picture but if there is even à small piece of truth in this, some people must pay.
23 April 2020 18:32
Salam ma belle,

En gros, il dit que cette saleté a été développée aux USA en 2015, a l'université de Caroline du Nord à chapel hill et publier dans la revue Nature (le travail initial a déjà été fait), ce qu'ils ont fait c'est qu'ils ont pris un virus et ils l'ont modifié génétiquement, ils ont meme rajouter d'autres virus (HIV etc.) pour lui donner plus de fonctions "functions", pour le rendre plus nocif et plus résistent. La personne derriere tous ca c'est Dr. Anthony Fauci.
Alors que le gouvernement américain en 2014 a décidé de ne plus soutenir ce genre de recherches, du coup ca a été transféré en chine.

Salam pistache

I don’t understand, mais je vais essayer grinning smiley

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 04/23/2020 07:01 by pistache31.
23 April 2020 19:07
Not sure about the best approach, today we will ne experimenting the downside of this crisis but We have global challenges that require more attention ie global warming, artificial intelligence and social justice.
This why we need to raise awareness about it. Everyone needs to know..
23 April 2020 19:13
None of these will be taken care of as long as we re dealing with this pandemic...and it s done on purpose..
Not sure about the best approach, today we will ne experimenting the downside of this crisis but We have global challenges that require more attention ie global warming, artificial intelligence and social justice.
23 April 2020 19:27
What purpose?
None of these will be taken care of as long as we re dealing with this pandemic...and it s done on purpose..
23 April 2020 20:09
Not cogent ...
23 April 2020 20:22
If this shit was created (as they say) it s only to serve a hidden agenda implemented by powerful interest groups..
What purpose?
23 April 2020 20:24
He s a board certified doctor, he s not gonna risk his licence by making false accusations...
Not cogent ...
23 April 2020 20:31
Any infos about what this hidden agenda is about? And who are these powerful groups precisely?
If this shit was created (as they say) it s only to serve a hidden agenda implemented by powerful interest groups..
23 April 2020 20:39
Nobody seems to be winning from this crisis.
I am not sure about the hidden agenda, at least not with all the bad consequences of this crisis. This crisis will be hurting the global economy for some years or even more
If this shit was created (as they say) it s only to serve a hidden agenda implemented by powerful interest groups..
23 April 2020 20:55
"Any infos about what this hidden agenda is about?"

A sizeable chunk of people who died from covid-19 are old. Where I live according to ledevoir the elderly who died recently in some LTC facilities, died because they were starved and parched. Their death had nothing to do with who knows they might be just manipulating figures... purpose: getting rid of seniors..

"who are these powerful groups precisely?"

I don't have the answer, coz the motivation could be: money or maybe creating a new social system...I don't know...
Any infos about what this hidden agenda is about? And who are these powerful groups precisely?
23 April 2020 20:56
and who's gonna be paying for it... people like you and me...
Nobody seems to be winning from this crisis.
I am not sure about the hidden agenda, at least not with all the bad consequences of this crisis. This crisis will be hurting the global economy for some years or even more
23 April 2020 22:54
This could be an opportunity to question our models
We create enough wealth to get all the peuples to good living conditions and avoid major crisis in the future.
We have two différent and even opppsite path. The old one or à new one. We néed a new logic
and who's gonna be paying for it... people like you and me...
14 June 2020 18:07
The video seems to be removed for " violating Youtube's bluh bluh bluh... me ass."
but well, I've read comments and what you've stated makes a lotta sense.
there is definitely a hidden agenda behind this. but I also don't see why they would risk the economy by doing that. whatever the original plan was it must have gone wrong.
and yeah we're already paying for that.

He got some bal**. Love it!

Feel free to share smiling smiley This needs to go viral..

9 February 2023 19:37
There are crackpot people with medical licenses too. It doesn't exempt them from being crazy.
He s a board certified doctor, he s not gonna risk his licence by making false accusations...
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