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Go back or turn my back?
28 December 2021 17:54
2018 I went to Morocco and met a man at the airport. He fell for me very fast, or so he says. I was hesitant. I was waiting on my divorce in America to finish. I told him that, but he kept love bombing me. Soon his family and him were pushing for marriage. Two weeks before we were to go to Casablanca embassy he started behaving as if something was wrong. He was stern with me. He wasn’t nice to me anymore. His mom complained that he treated me nicer than her. His family and friends were always around. He was never home anymore. He would come home long enough to dress like he was going to a club in clothes I bought and cologne I bought. He didn’t have a job. The food he ate, I bought. He would come home, hide my money from me and his phone. He would get in the bed with me and turn his back from me. No kiss, no love making, nothing. I was lonely all day and night in a country I didn’t speak the language. Then, he forbid me from going outside or he would cut my legs. He quit holding my hand in public. He walked way ahead of me like he didn’t even know me. In Casablanca, he hit me so hard from behind I fell to the ground. I didn’t even see him coming to do it. Nobody helped me up. I cried and wanted to come home to the USA. I never been hot before that. He cried and begged me not to leave cuz of what his family would think, not because he was sorry. He said cuz I am a Christian I should forgive him. So, I did and married him. Then he hit me more. Took my money and put me in 100,000 in debt, and left me. He kept telling me if I bought tickets for us to go to this country or that one we would work on our marriage. I would do it. He hit me, made me cry and used my money more on himself, his sister and clothes for himself. He took pics of himself by himself and posted them on his private social medias as a single man traveling the world. Girls called him “my king.” His phone contacts uploaded into my email and PayPal when he took my passwords and logged into them on his phone I bought him. (1,000). They were all girl names with a ? beside some. My name was the b word with two h’s. He sent me a pic of him and a British blonde dancing at a bar. I finally broke down and divorced him. I withdrew my petition for his visa from immigration. He accused me of betraying him for divorcing him. He screamed he won’t give up his right! But what right? We have no property, assets or children. Then I realized that he meant my money. My income. He believed it was all his for the rest of his life. I went NO CONTACT for a while. During our marriage I paid 6,000 for a visa and work contract for him in Canada. I also pid 6,000 for a vehicle for him in Morocco. I also pid 1,500 for his divorce from me for him to a lawyer in Morocco along with sending my usa divorce decree finalization. All to help him. But he managed to find me and say he is sorry. It’s been 3 years since I have seen him. He swears he is not a boy anymore and loves me. He says he never divorced me in Morocco. This man…if you Google Narcissist, Sociopath, and Psychopath has done all three of what these kinds of people do to me. Read about what they do to people and he has done it. I also read that they don’t change. He says he has. But still he has no job and no money. He lives with his father and brother who maybe feeds him. His friend lends him money. I broke and gave $900 to him this month. I was kicking myself for that. And now he wants more money. Says he can’t find a job in Morocco. I don’t want to take care of another grown man in another country. We are in two different countries. I remember how much I loved him. I still love him. I am still trying to pay the debt back. I can’t pay it back when I am giving all my money to him which I had done way too long. He says I hurt him and I am rude for not helping him. I have helped way too much over the last few years. Why can’t he get a job? Any job? Why does he want to do nothing all day, hang with friends and family and still expect me to fund it all? Why won’t he do like other men and work? He says he loves me. I even watched him cry on video. But why won’t he take care of himself and let me to clean up the financial mess he caused me? I am tempted to just let go for good. To go no contact again. I have changed anyways. I don’t want to serve him as a wife anymore. I cleaned, cooked, massaged him, gave my life up for him, my freedom, my financial freedom, and it was all for nothing. Now he is making promises to me I used to hear him say…and break.
28 December 2021 18:15

I did n t finished reading your message is quite long.

Break, divorce and don t talk to him anymore. Dont send money to him or his family your not the national bank of the US.

Next time you’ll that love is true when the actions follow the word.

Good luck.
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
28 December 2021 18:25
You say he’s a Narcissist, Sociopath, and Psychopath. You’re still in contact with him and sending him money. What does that make you ?
Think sad woman, think.
28 December 2021 18:27
If what you say is true, I don't understand how you managed to stay for so long.
I would say turn your back once and for all. His promises are just a mean to have access to your money, again. Don't be weak and turn your back or you gonna find yourself in the same situation, again.
28 December 2021 18:42
This sounds so fake, but for the 1% chance its not:

He is clearly using you. Block him and dont ever talk to him again.
Even if, lets imagine, he is/was not using you and actually loves you, what do you expect from him after he hit you, stole and even cheated on you ?
All of this in 3 years, get ready for hospital or death in the next 10 years at this rate.
28 December 2021 18:45
I don t know why but i had the same feeling while i was reading this post. perplexe

It sounds fake, because everything is so obvious …

This sounds so fake, but for the 1% chance its not:

He is clearly using you. Block him and dont ever talk to him again.
Even if, lets imagine, he is/was not using you and actually loves you, what do you expect from him after he hit you, stole and even cheated on you ?
All of this in 3 years, get ready for hospital or death in the next 10 years at this rate.
J’attaque pas les personnes mais les idées. Les personnes n’en valent pas le coup. ☀️ Pssst en fait si, parfois j’attaque les co** ^^
28 December 2021 18:52
Yea, maybe she wrote this post to rant about the situation rather than getting actual advices
28 December 2021 23:54
Why the hell did u marry that fellow ?
29 December 2021 02:31
What kind of stupid love is that ?
Love your self, you can’t love your self and love this man at the same time
14 May 2022 09:57

Un Escroc ! Très Dangereux ! Eloigne-Toi Vite .
Sad woman now
2018 I went to Morocco and met a man at the airport. He fell for me very fast, or so he says. I was hesitant. I was waiting on my divorce in America to finish. I told him that, but he kept love bombing me. Soon his family and him were pushing for marriage. Two weeks before we were to go to Casablanca embassy he started behaving as if something was wrong. He was stern with me. He wasn’t nice to me anymore. His mom complained that he treated me nicer than her. His family and friends were always around. He was never home anymore. He would come home long enough to dress like he was going to a club in clothes I bought and cologne I bought. He didn’t have a job. The food he ate, I bought. He would come home, hide my money from me and his phone. He would get in the bed with me and turn his back from me. No kiss, no love making, nothing. I was lonely all day and night in a country I didn’t speak the language. Then, he forbid me from going outside or he would cut my legs. He quit holding my hand in public. He walked way ahead of me like he didn’t even know me. In Casablanca, he hit me so hard from behind I fell to the ground. I didn’t even see him coming to do it. Nobody helped me up. I cried and wanted to come home to the USA. I never been hot before that. He cried and begged me not to leave cuz of what his family would think, not because he was sorry. He said cuz I am a Christian I should forgive him. So, I did and married him. Then he hit me more. Took my money and put me in 100,000 in debt, and left me. He kept telling me if I bought tickets for us to go to this country or that one we would work on our marriage. I would do it. He hit me, made me cry and used my money more on himself, his sister and clothes for himself. He took pics of himself by himself and posted them on his private social medias as a single man traveling the world. Girls called him “my king.” His phone contacts uploaded into my email and PayPal when he took my passwords and logged into them on his phone I bought him. (1,000). They were all girl names with a ? beside some. My name was the b word with two h’s. He sent me a pic of him and a British blonde dancing at a bar. I finally broke down and divorced him. I withdrew my petition for his visa from immigration. He accused me of betraying him for divorcing him. He screamed he won’t give up his right! But what right? We have no property, assets or children. Then I realized that he meant my money. My income. He believed it was all his for the rest of his life. I went NO CONTACT for a while. During our marriage I paid 6,000 for a visa and work contract for him in Canada. I also pid 6,000 for a vehicle for him in Morocco. I also pid 1,500 for his divorce from me for him to a lawyer in Morocco along with sending my usa divorce decree finalization. All to help him. But he managed to find me and say he is sorry. It’s been 3 years since I have seen him. He swears he is not a boy anymore and loves me. He says he never divorced me in Morocco. This man…if you Google Narcissist, Sociopath, and Psychopath has done all three of what these kinds of people do to me. Read about what they do to people and he has done it. I also read that they don’t change. He says he has. But still he has no job and no money. He lives with his father and brother who maybe feeds him. His friend lends him money. I broke and gave $900 to him this month. I was kicking myself for that. And now he wants more money. Says he can’t find a job in Morocco. I don’t want to take care of another grown man in another country. We are in two different countries. I remember how much I loved him. I still love him. I am still trying to pay the debt back. I can’t pay it back when I am giving all my money to him which I had done way too long. He says I hurt him and I am rude for not helping him. I have helped way too much over the last few years. Why can’t he get a job? Any job? Why does he want to do nothing all day, hang with friends and family and still expect me to fund it all? Why won’t he do like other men and work? He says he loves me. I even watched him cry on video. But why won’t he take care of himself and let me to clean up the financial mess he caused me? I am tempted to just let go for good. To go no contact again. I have changed anyways. I don’t want to serve him as a wife anymore. I cleaned, cooked, massaged him, gave my life up for him, my freedom, my financial freedom, and it was all for nothing. Now he is making promises to me I used to hear him say…and break.
18 September 2022 09:49
So sorry for you. I think that u have a good heart.
Try to find someone like you. If u're return to him you will be very sorry again. Life is good try to live it smartly cose u deserve happiness.
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