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Al-Waqt (Time)
15 March 2005 00:44
Assalamo 3alikom,

Allah's Messenger said:

"Ightanim khamsan qabla khamsin: hayaataka qabla mautika, wa sihhataka qabla saqamika, wa faraaghaka qabla shughulika, wa shabaabaka qabla haramika wa ghinaaka qabla faqrika."
"Take advantage of five before five: your life before your death, your health before your illness, your free time before becoming busy, your youth before your old age and your wealth before your poverty."

Al-waqt means the time which we have, those few moments in the scheme of things which any one of us spends on this earth. Al-waqt is your life and it is more precious than gold and silver. And like all valuable things, a Muslim must commit israaf (overspending) or tabdheer (misallocation or using something where it should not be used). Allah said about the people of israaf:

{Wa man a'radha 'an dhikriy fa inna lahu ma'eeshatan dhankan wa nahshuruhu yauma al-qiyaamati a'maa. Qaala rabbi lima hashartaniy a'maa wa qad kuntu baseeran? Qaala kadhalika atatka ayaatunaa fa naseetahaa wa kadhalika al-yauma tunsaa. Wa kadhaalika najziy man asrafa wa lam yu'minu bi aayaati rabbihi wa la 'adhaabu al-aakhirati ashaddu wa abqaa.}
{And whoever turns away from my reminder will have a miserable life and we will resurrect him on Qiyama blind. He said, 'Lord, why have you brought me back blind though I used to see? ' He said, 'Likewise my signs came to you and you neglected them and likewise today you are forgotten.' Thus we repay those who go beyond bounds and do not believe in the signs of their Lord and the punishment of the hereafter is more severe and more permenant.} Taha:124-127

Israaf is defined as "over-allocation" while tabdheer is defined as "mis-allocation", i.e., spending in a haram direction, even if a little. Allah described the mubadh-dhireen as the "brothers of the devils", saying:

{Wa aatiy dhaa al-qurbaa haqqahu wa al-miskeena wa ibna as-sabeeli wa laa tubadh-dhir tabdheeran. Inna al-mubadh-dhireena kaanoo ikhwaana ash-shayateeni wa kaana ash-shaitaanu li rabbihi karooran.}
{And give relatives their rights and the poor and the traveller and do not misuse wealth. Surely the misusers of wealth are the brothers of Satan and Satan is to his Lord a disbeliever.} Cite

The time you have been alloted should be treated as another form of wealth. Beware of where you use it and how you use it. Always remember about time that:

How quickly it goes by. It passes like a cloud or like wind.
Once gone, it can never be gotten back or changed in any way.
It is your most valuable possession and should be treated as such.

None of our time should be devoid of remembrance of Allah and dedicating our purpose to Islam. In many places, Allah reminds us to remember Him, praise Him and glorify Him morrning noon and night. Allah said:

{Yaa ayyuhaa alladhina aamanoo udhkuru Allaha dhikran katheeran. Wa sabbihoohu bukratan wa aseelan. Huwa alladhiy yusalliy 'alaikum wa malaa'ikatuhu li yukhrijakum min adh-dhulumaati ilaa an-noori wa wa kaana bi al-mu'mineena raheeman.}
{O you who believe remember Allah profusely. And exalt Him morning and afternoon. He is the one who sends his prayers upon you along with his angels that he may take you from darkness into the light and He is with the beleivers most Merciful.} Al-Ahzaab:41-43

{Fa subhaana Allahi heena tumsoona wa heena tusbihoona. Wa lahu al-hamdu fiy as-samaawaati wa al-ardhi wa 'asheeyan wa heena tudh-hiroona. Yukhriju al-hayya min al-mayyiti wa yukhriju al-mayyita min al-hayyi wa yuhyiy al-ardha ba'da mautihaa wa kadhaalika tukhrajoona.}
{So exalted is Allah when you reach the afternoon and when you reach the morning. To Him is all praise in the heavens and the earth and at night and at noon. He brings out the living from the dead and the dead from the living and he brings the earth to life after its death. Likewise you wil be brought out.} Ar-Room:17-19

If you lose sight of the hereafter and your sights are limited to this life, you will be able to make many bad decisions regarding your time. The Prophet (sas) said:

"Ni'mataani maghboonun fihaa katheerun in an-naas: As-sihhatu wa al-faraaghu."
"Two great gifts in which many people have swindled themselves: health and free time." Al-Bukhari

Take advantage of five before five: life before death, health before illness, free time before becoming busy, youth before old age and wealth before poverty. As Umar ibn Al-Khattab used to say:

"Haasiboo anfusakum qabla an tuhaasaboo."
"Take yourselves to account before you are taken to account."

At the end of each day, take accounts. What have you done for Islam or Muslims today? What have you learned about your deen today? Have you kept remembrance of Allah on your heart and on your tongue throughout the day?

Listen to what some of the Companions - may Allah be pleased with them - used to say in du'a:

Abu Bakr:

"Allahumma laa tada'niy fiy ghamratin wa laa ta'khudhniy 'alaa ghirratin wa laa taj'alnaa min al-ghaafileen."
"O Allah, do not leave me in conflict and do not take me in a state of self-deception and do not make me among those lacking consciousness."


"Allahumma innaa nas'aluka salaaha as-saa'aati wa al-barakata fiy al-awqaati."
"O Allah, we ask you righteousness of the hour and your blessing in our time."

Abdullah ibn Mas'ood:

"Maa nadimtu 'alaa shai'in nadamiy 'alaa yaumin gharibat fihi shamsuhu wa naqasa fihi ajaliy wa lam yazid fihi 'amaliy."
"I have never regretted anything as much as I regret a day on which the sun set, my term was shortened and my deeds did not increase."

And from the next generation:

Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (Umar's grandson)

"Inna al-laila wa an-nahaara ya'malaani feeka, fa'mal feehimaa."
"The night and the day are surely acting upon you, so act you therein."

Al-Hassan Al-Basriy:

"Yaa ibn Aadam innamaa anta ayyaamun. Fa idhaa dhahaba yaumun dhahaba ba'dhuka."
"O son of Adam you are just some days. When another day has passed, some of you has gone."

"Adraktu aqwaaman maa kaanoo 'alaa awqaatihim ashadda minkum hirsan 'alaa daraahimikum wa danaaneerikum."
"I met a people who were as careful with their time as you are with your dirhams and dinars."

It has been said that:

"Maa min yaumin yanshaqqu fajruhu illaa yunaadiy: Yaa ibna Aadama anaa khalqun jadeedun, wa 'alaa 'amalika shaheedun, fa ightanim minniy fa inniy laa a'oodu ilaa yaumi al-qiyaamati."
"There is no day when the sun comes up but that it calls out: 'O son of Adam, I am a new creation and a witness over your actions. Take advantage of me for I will never return until Qiyama.'"

15 March 2005 01:02
Thanks arabi,

I appreciate that. It´s the first time that read this.
15 March 2005 01:37
Thanks brother Arabi for sharing this with us.
19 March 2005 01:44
The arabic word "ISLAM" means "I subdue me the will of Good"
The name for the people in this religion is moslem
More than 1 billion people are being today by the Islam.
The Holy Book like the Bible by Christians is the holy Coran. In the Coran contains the controls of the islamic religion. This controls contain all fields of life.
Muslims obey the instructions of the great Islamic prophets, they are sendet directly by Good. There are Mose Jesus and Mohammed.
The moslemic religion tells, that Mohammed is the finaly from Good sendet Prophet and the greatest of all. But Mohammed is not like a Good by self.
For Muslims the Coran is the disclose of from Allah self between Mohammed sendet Words.
The Coran would be instructed in the original language, in arabic. This is in all countries the same.
The Islam has five princips he stand on. It is the obligation of ervery Muslim to live his life for this princips.

The five principicals of the Islam

The first tells, that everybody can be a moslem, who public tells at witnes the creed of Islam, Shahada. The words of the Shahada : " It gives only one Good and no good near Allah and Mohammed is his Prophet

The seckond is the prayer "Salat", who is to do every day for five times. Beliving Muslims are pray in the morning, at noon, at afternoon, when the Sun goes down and by night. Bevore there is to wash the Head, the face, the arms and feet. This ritual washing is named Wudu and is for be pure. After this the Muslim not to do allowed impuity things (look at wives and so on) bevore he has end to pray.
The Muezzin (Cryer to pray) crys to all times for praying from the Minarett of the mosque the Muslims to come to pray.
There is no regulation for the place to pray, he can do it also in front of the mosque They are praying with her Eyes to Mekka, the holy City who the Prophet Mohammed was born.

The third is the binding to help everybody who needs helping. The word for This binding for charity is Zakat.
Poor people are seeing as vicitim of circumstances and not as an burden of all people. The Islam teachs, the giving of food, clothes, money or friendly words so sharing with indigent people is helpful to Allah and the dignity of all people.

The fourth is the obligation to fast in the month of Ramadan. His name is Sawm.

The fifth is the pilgrimtravel to Mekka. Every moslem want to do one time in his life the Hadsch. This is the name of this travel to Mekka, this is a forbidden city for people who be not beliver by the Islam.
For people who are rich enough to go to the Hadsch is it a obligation but also poor people gets big sacrifices to do the Hadsch. He walk around the holy Kaaba in Mekka and touched with his lips the black meteoritstone who is fixed in the Kaaba. A moslem who have done this can now take the name Hadschi in to his name. In his City he has now a great reputation and as symbol for this he can wear now an white hood on his Head.

Laws and Forbiddnes

Muslims are following the doctrine of the Coran and the Sunna. Sunna means habit and is the exemplary kind of life of Mohammed. He lifes the revealing of the Coran. Coran and Sunna are a binding codex for all Muslims for moral, and ethic. .
This Codex is the fundament for the Sari'a, the Islamic law. In Coran and Sunna you find all details about the meaning from Halal (unlawful) and Haram (forbidden).
In Coran and Sunna you find some regulation for all kind of the daily life like nourishment, clothing, Family, Holidays, marriage, Buissenes, social comunication and some more The ideas about Halal and Haram by Muslems are very exacting. They think this principes of way of live comes directly from Allah and the meaning for life is very important.


From an beliefing difference about the real leader for all Muslims in the Year 661 results a partition in 3 groups of Muslims, the Sunits, the Schiits and the Charidchiids. Today are 92 procent of all Muslims are Sunnits. They are following the Sunna who is the second book of religion after the Coren for them. The way of life Mohammeds is the only measuring of the disclosins understanding The Schiits are 7,5 procent of all Muslims. The meaning of them is that only the directly descandants of Mohammed are authorized to be an Iman (leader of belief)
The direct inheritance to Mohammed was his daughters husband Ali. From this come the other name for Schiits Schi'at Ali (supporter of Ali).

For people from mostly christian Countries it is hard to understand the Muslims World. Religion is in the countries of te west today not so significant.
In different the Islamic religion today is very significant for an Muslims life. For every moslem the lays of Islam an truth telled from Allah and this is the reasen that all people must life by this princips they be Muslims or not.

The Muslims Life

The Family is the middle of life for an moslem. The Traditional Muslemic family has many members who keeps together very good.
Its normal to life with many relations in one House or in one Flat. All relations stand together by work and in the houshold and all celebrations whould be take also together
In the muslemic society everytime Childs standing in the middle ant they are present at every aktivity. Late at night you can see Childs in every age at partys in Restaurants and so on in the middle of her family.

Important celebrations

The importanst events in the Islam are Ramadan, Eid el-Fitr and Eid el-Adaha.
The Carlendar of the Islam begins with the time Mohammed goes out of Medina at 622 bw. Chr., Our Year 2000 is now the Islamic Year 1421/1422.
The time of all events different from Yerar to Year, the Islamic Carlendar goes like the Mooncarlendar.


The Ramadan is the holy Month in the islamic Carlendar.
In this Month Mohammed becam the reveal from Good. To heed the Ramadan is one of the 5 Princips of the Islam
In Ramadan the Muslims must be heed the time of religious lent from the morning when the Sun comes to the evening the sun goes down. it is forbidden to eat or to drink. Only old, sick or pregnancy people and breast-feedet Mothers and Babys. A greeting in this time is "Ramadan Karim" Ramadan is gracious.
If You travel to to moslemic Countries by Ramadan be consideration to the people who do the religious lent. Restaurants and Shops can be closed at this time, the life in the Cities and Towns goes slowly in this time.

Harald Gardener

© January 1998
21 March 2005 11:22

Arabi77´s topic is about time and time in Islam.
It is good to remind many muslims that wasting time
is anti-islamic.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/21/2005 01:09 by Krim.
21 March 2005 11:39
Can we all,,,just get along here, can we all just.. .get along!

By Rodney King
21 March 2005 23:49
Time is a concept created by men, what god do here?
22 March 2005 13:42

Some will tell you:
that men is also behind the concept of God.

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