

Morocco sees changes in royal protocol amid coronavirus threat

King Mohammed VI receives the four new members appointed to the Constitutional Court. / MAP
Temps de lecture: 1'

On Wednesday, King Mohammed VI received at the Royal Palace in Casablanca the four new members appointed to the Constitutional Court.

They are Latifa El Khal and El Houssain Abouchi, appointed by the sovereign, Mohamed Alami, elected by the House of Representatives, as well as Khalid Berjaoui, who has been elected by the House of Councilors.

During this hearing, the four new members were sworn in before the king, in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution and the organic law of this Court.

«They will take office starting April 4, 2020, when the mandate of one third of the court's members ends», a statement from the Royal Office read.

During the audience, broadcast on Morocco’s public television channel Al Aoula, the tradition of hand kissing was avoided.

The new members of the Constitutional Court maintained a certain kind of distance when standing in front of the King and saluted him from afar.

For the record, Morocco recorded six confirmed coronavirus cases. One of the patients died on Tuesday, after she tested positive for the virus.

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