Connexion Voyages Yabiladies Islam Radio Forum News
Yabiladi in English
2 May 2017 18:57
Good afternoon,

This is new, and it's interesting : our forum Yabiladi is now also in English ! Good work, and thank you to the Administrators for this new initiative.

The importance of the use of English language in the world, as a tool of communication, doesn't need to be demonstrated today. So let's take this opportuinity and creat topics that handle differents point of view of our daily life.

What kind of topics you would want to discuss folk?

Any suggestions to make the English part of Yabiladi forum very attractive?

Kinds regards

2 May 2017 19:00
Salam Alaikum

Well we need to be more than 2 people to begin with.

Do we know how many english speaker are here?

Good afternoon,

This is new, and it's interesting : our forum Yabiladi is now also in English ! Good work, and thank you to the Administrators for this new initiative.

The importance of the use of English language in the world, as a tool of communication, doesn't need to be demonstrated today. So let's take this opportuinity and creat topics that handle differents point of view of our daily life.

What kind of topics you would want to discuss folk?

Any suggestions to make the English part of Yabiladi forum very attractive?

Kinds regards

2 May 2017 19:02
Wa alaikum salam,

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step winking smiley
2 May 2017 19:03
Hey, that's a good start smiling smiley

What about "famous quote from your country of residence" (I am assuming people that will join this section will be located all over the world right?)
Wa alaikum salam,

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step winking smiley
2 May 2017 19:05
Let's gather all the ideas then we will make a choice !
2 May 2017 19:22

People who don't speak english very well can join with you?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/02/2017 07:25 by Aylaaaa.
2 May 2017 19:26
Everybody is welcome.
2 May 2017 19:28
Hi !

To begin, sorry for my english, but I try at least.

The kind of topics that people like to find here except the main one :
- love relationship / family, social relationship
- Islam, religious thoughts
- humour, poems.

(I like to discuss about Islam, religious thoughts, even if I'm not muslim, but I admit that I love reading love story and funny topic in the humour session)

Long life to the international Yabiladi !!!!
2 May 2017 19:33
yawning smiley

Hi !

To begin, sorry for my english, but I try at least.

The kind of topics that people like to find here except the main one :
- love relationship / family, social relationship
- Islam, religious thoughts
- humour, poems.

(I like to discuss about Islam, religious thoughts, even if I'm not muslim, but I admit that I love reading love story and funny topic in the humour session)

Long life to the international Yabiladi !!!!
2 May 2017 19:52
Yo wassup!!!
[color=#990033]"La beauté ne fait pas l'amour c'est l'amour qui fait la beauté "[/color]
2 May 2017 19:58
i love women ,it's my lifeIn love
2 May 2017 20:03
That s what i tried to say :-)

The same topics that in french but in english
Hi !

To begin, sorry for my english, but I try at least.

The kind of topics that people like to find here except the main one :
- love relationship / family, social relationship
- Islam, religious thoughts
- humour, poems.

(I like to discuss about Islam, religious thoughts, even if I'm not muslim, but I admit that I love reading love story and funny topic in the humour session)

Long life to the international Yabiladi !!!!
2 May 2017 20:11
But I think we can create something new , like talking about abroad because if we talk about same topics but in English it will be annoying
[color=#990033]"La beauté ne fait pas l'amour c'est l'amour qui fait la beauté "[/color]
2 May 2017 21:49
It was in english for years now... It's just the news. They hired some people to translate the news.

Don't get too excited.
2 May 2017 22:07
It depends ! If the aim is to attract foreigners, no matter if it's the same topics than in the french version....

French speaking people will stay in the french speaking topics and english speaking people on the english speaking topic !

When you ask yourself a question about Islam on the net, answers from Yabiladi come on first or among the first. So maybe that the administrators wants to glow on the international net....
I don't know how it works actually, maybe to come on first you have to pay google.....
3 May 2017 09:12
Salam Everyone,

I would say we could talk about any topic usually discussed on Yabi ..
Seems like the most read/ commented topics are the ones about relationships, religion..
3 May 2017 21:44
LeMask wrote :
“It was in english for years now... It's just the news. They hired some people to translate the news. Don't get too excited.”

It wasn’t, the only English part of the forum is the Morocco # English board.

Let’s spread it into English, let’s create topics either in this board or in the others and exchange conversation about the topics in English language.

C.C. wrote:
“French speaking people will stay in the french speaking topics and english speaking people on the english speaking topic ! “

I don’t think so. There are French who are looking for an English topics , and also some English who want to practice their French (or Arabic) in different topics….

biladi_girl wrote:
“Seems like the most read/ commented topics are the ones about relationships, religion..”

In this case let’s create new topics in one of those two “kinds” and express ourselves in English.
4 May 2017 20:36
I started a new topic, feel free to contribute:

5 May 2017 03:01
The French side of the forum fell head first into Islamism and stupidity... All they do is talk about what's between a girl's leg and why they don't like it, how to get rid of the evil spirit haunting some crazy person and how it's responsible for all things wrong in the universe, and who to hire to sing religious non-sense and cure that troubled soul...

Then you have preachers, who will tell you how to wipe yourself in the toilet quoting some old dudes who died 14 centuries ago... And more and more non-sense.

It's so so so annoying...
5 May 2017 14:04
I must say am often surprised (and when I say surprised I mean sad) when I read few posts here .. people would ask :
is there any fatwa or anything in the Quran about a little detail in their lives .. things that they could work out themselves if they would think ..
23 July 2017 11:05
Salam smiling smiley it's been a long time since yabiladi does it!
Good afternoon,

This is new, and it's interesting : our forum Yabiladi is now also in English ! Good work, and thank you to the Administrators for this new initiative.

The importance of the use of English language in the world, as a tool of communication, doesn't need to be demonstrated today. So let's take this opportuinity and creat topics that handle differents point of view of our daily life.

What kind of topics you would want to discuss folk?

Any suggestions to make the English part of Yabiladi forum very attractive?

Kinds regards

La vie est un CDD. lorsque tu seras DCD, l'au delà sera ton CDI ,améliores ton CV en attendant ton Entretien.Allah punit les injustes tot ou tard !
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