THE TITLE IS NOT CORRECT BECAUSE SIMPLY IS USELESS. 2 new large studies show circumcision substantially lowers HIV, IT SHOULD BE "2 new large studies show circumcision substantially lowers 'THE ...Suite
[] Re: les amoureux qui se bequette ...
20 décembre 2006 à 16:23
j'adore la chanson "nari zani hefyan o galbo 3eyan", de lala ghitta bent ...Suite
[] Re: What the US feared...
19 décembre 2006 à 17:05
chelhman, US is ruling the world. Dont focus on wrong thing. Most of business in Europe is American. I have been is Swiss, it's under the mercy of US. US is not the politics. US is ...Suite
RELIGION IS AN IMPORTANT ETHIC TO CONSIDER IN ANY SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH. With an ethic, science can avoid to be a real illusion. Just an example, stem cells research, especially embryonic, ...Suite
[] Re: Babel, The movie
8 décembre 2006 à 16:46
wanari mimti, ach danni gherr a good impression about my country fi yabiladi ode3tto liya QOQA in my head. Ok, again and again, Morocco is the best country in the world. If you really love ...Suite
[] Re: Babel, The movie
5 décembre 2006 à 16:54
Kim, take it easy. A nation is assessed accordingly to what the nation have done ... You get what you deserve! If I told you that Morocco is respected you dont beleive it, so it's your ...Suite
[] Re: Babel, The movie
4 décembre 2006 à 17:45
Krim, you can ask your minister of culture? A movier is a movier, people are not stupid, people of Morocco are respected everywhere. All Moroccans knew that. Any movie in New York City ...Suite
[] Re: il m'aime mais moi pas encore...
29 novembre 2006 à 20:11
c'est toujours comme ca, le mec tombe amoureux plus vite que la normale MAIS se ressaisir avec une prise de conscience est aussi assez vite. La nana tombe amoureuse plus tard mais un vrai chute ...Suite
[] Re: Babel, The movie
28 novembre 2006 à 14:56
even your nickname did or does not give a good image of our country. Articulate a reflexion about your nickname and then look why you used . L9BI7 is not a nickname even to communicate with. ...Suite
[] Re: Al Jazeera goes English
15 novembre 2006 à 17:33
Thanks Sarah, in my opinion the actual shape of AZ stems from what the arabian public want to see and to hear. From To You (Menkom waelaykom) concept. If the actual shape is just translated ...Suite
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