[] Re: Stop the Iran War Before It Starts
7 février 2007 à 16:30
I know it is impossible. it's catch 22 situation. about the fall of the empire... I read something about the China-Russia-India-Brasil as being the future superpower, do you think we will see the ...Suite
I don't believe this will ever end... the documentary "road to guantanamo" shows exactly how any person (moslem) can be kidnaped and held with no trial. guantanamo is a concentration camps, and no ...Suite
[] Re: Stop the Iran War Before It Starts
6 février 2007 à 12:47
If all this money would be used to help poor countries, provide education, stop alientating minorities, fight global warming (which according to the latest analysis will punish poor countries in ...Suite
[] Re: Stop the Iran War Before It Starts
5 février 2007 à 16:52
Speaking about military... and the roman empire here is a text about the outsourcing of the military... will we see the fall of an empire again??? Blackwater, Inc. And The Privatization Of The ...Suite
[] Re: Stop the Iran War Before It Starts
2 février 2007 à 17:48
We all know how frustrated is Dubya is with the Iraq situation. He knows he is losing the war, and he is sure his party will niot be elected. So why not leave this problem for the next ...Suite
[] Re: Stop the Iran War Before It Starts
1 février 2007 à 18:27
Maybe not a real war, but provocation there is already a lot. It will start, the prediction is set for April. There is already a big showdown of the american fleet nearby. The neocons will start ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan Christians
1 février 2007 à 18:06
I share your opinion fully. Of course it is painful to see a moslem turning into another religion, being christian, budhist, etc... what I was saying is there is a reason for this to happen. Nowadays ...Suite
Well... I suppose that after 20 years living overseas things haven't changed a bit. What a pity, but I still remember reading an article on the Economist in 1987, that predicted Morocco to become one ...Suite
[] Re: Moroccan Christians
1 février 2007 à 17:13
I agree with you completely. Today, if you speak about religion and to be considered a true moslem you have to be an extremist, no TV, no Internet, no music and so on. If you are more open towards ...Suite
I suppose that as we grow older we tend to think of our roots, whether something has been achieved or not while we are away will depend on us only (however we are always learning). I intend to go ...Suite
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