[] Re: Moroccan airline bans prayer time
6 novembre 2006 à 16:33
If they follow this same strategy, then many people in the public service and institutions will lose their jobs... How many times has one gone to some public institution, for some reason (for ...Suite
I agree with you, the USA has been trying to place sanctions for Syria for a long time. And the assassination of Hariri just boosted that. As a result, the syrian army left lebanon, and then isreal ...Suite
[] Re: US army in Algerian desert
1 novembre 2006 à 14:19
The first country to officialize the recognition of the USA was Morocco, and the first embassy was in morocco (actually it still exists in Tangier). Morocco has always been seen with good eyes by the ...Suite
[] Re: Title & Novel's Life
1 novembre 2006 à 14:12
Well the Novel will be "Le pain nu", but unfortunately somebody else wrote it before I. ...Suite
Mostafaa, First I want to tell you that I am not upset by your comments, but I wonder why you got to those conclusions? I am moslem, I've always been and I will die as one. I never said the Koran is ...Suite
[] Re: US army in Algerian desert
30 octobre 2006 à 17:38
Donatello, they've been there for ages since the 90s. and now with the "war against terror" the new front will be the Sahara. they think there are training camps for terrorists in those areas. Funny. ...Suite
Sex, sex sex... why is it that the more taboo there is the more interest it gathers. LeMask, let me clear up the misunderstanding in my sentence..."Or just stop being biased by some brainwashers ...Suite
Now here is something that worries me more that anything else. Marriage and virginity. I know many girls that perform sex and still keep their virginity. Simple, they have anal sex. Now about ...Suite
[] Re: Good Article on the NYT....
27 octobre 2006 à 15:53
I had several exciting trips in Morocco... the one I went from Tangier to Dakhla. and another trip to Merzouga. of course by car. before that I had travelled by bus and train. Morocco has a lot to ...Suite
[] Re: Good Article on the NYT....
25 octobre 2006 à 19:34
It just made me feel homesick again!!!!! nice ...Suite
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