Israel demolishes 13 Gaza homes Israel has stepped up demolition of houses in Gaza Israeli troops have demolished 13 Palestinian houses in Gaza, a day after gunmen ambushed Jewish settlers holding ...Suite
We are told the worst is still to come, is there worst than what's in these ...Suite
Yeh! Bush will definitly listen! But the irony is these Arab leaders know that Bush only listens to Israel but they wasnt to make us think/beleive that they are doing their job i.e they are ...Suite
What? "de manière humaine"???? The Americans are burning the Afghans alive!! Did you say 3 Afghans? The figure runs in the hundreds!! Here a detailed article covering the grusome ...Suite
I was so delighted they have liquidated him. If you work with the enemy in fighting and killing your own brothers and sisters, then you should be prepeared to have you ass blown to peices. I hope ...Suite
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