Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
for women..guys don't even try..
16 août 2004 20:43
Ait Ali I know I can't help myself but I will try though and I need some tanning had lablad safratna hehehe I should get un cache maillot right??? LOL
17 août 2004 02:13
lilausa: get anythink you do want but god sake,be happy,you have got your husbund with you! wa7dine msakan 3aychin bo7dihoum hnaya ! 3oumi fal 7amam dyalak , you need no maillot wala sidi zakri winking smiley

Aourtoute tamazirte n'k tinek atgua
17 août 2004 13:39
hehehehe u are crazy LOL
17 août 2004 13:42
Ait Ali u said u came to the US which part of it?? are u enjoying it?
17 août 2004 22:09
lilausa a écrit:

> Ait Ali u said u came to the US which part of it?? are u
> enjoying it?

I am a little crazy dear compatriotewinking smiley

yes, i am in VA...Arlington

Aourtoute tamazirte n'k tinek atgua
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