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Le vrai visage de Gaza
21 juillet 2005 14:23
Un article de Gideon Levy, un des très rares journalistes israéliens à "couvrir" les "territoires occupés" sans être sous la dépendance de l'armée.

(article complet en anglais: [])

En voici quelques extraits:

Il rappelle la brutalité constante des colons envers les Palestiniens depuis des années: la seule nouveauté, c'est que là c'est passé à la télévision. Parce que là les colons et le désengagement sont médiatisés

"The media is to blame: For months, it portrayed the story of the "great sacrifice" the evacuated settlers must make. For years, it ignored the injustices they inflicted on their neighbors and thus helped portray the settlers in a false light. The result: broad public sympathy for their bitter fate and shock over their brutal behavior, as if blocking roads or even the lynching of a Palestinian teenager is something new or unusual. But in the territories, the settlers have been violently blocking roads for years, and harsh brutality toward Palestinians is also nothing new. The only novelty is that suddenly they are showing this on television."

Soudain, dit-il, nous montrons une haute sensibilité pour la souffrance humaine. Des dizaines de milliers de Palestiniens ont été expulsés de leur maison, leurs maisons et tout ce qu'il avait dedans ont été rasées par les bulldozers sans compensation, sans préavis,sans évacuation, ils ont été expropriés, leurs arbres ont été déracinés, leurs enfants soumis à toutes ces brutalités. Ils n'ont pas eu droit ne serait-ce qu'à une fraction de la couverture médiatique dont les colons sont l'objet:

"Suddenly we are showing a rare sensitivity for human suffering. Tens of thousands of Palestinians were expelled from their homes, as ttheir homes, with all of their possessions, were crushed by Israel Defense Forces bulldozers, without warning, without compensation, without evacuation. The hundreds of families whose homes were expropriated for various purposes, the farmers dispossessed of their lands, the uprooted trees and the children who silently witnessed the brutality - these were never given even a fraction of the media coverage the settlers have received. "

Il continue à égréner toutes les violences et injustices dues à la colonisation, pas montrées à la télé, et tous les énormes avantages accordés aux colons par l'État:

"How much, if at all, has the Israeli public been shown the hundreds of homes in Khan Yunis, those surrounding Gush Katif, that were destroyed only because of the Gush's existence? Or the acts of vengeance and the terrorizing of olive harvesters in northern Samaria? Or the abuse of cave dwellers in the southern Hebron Hills? Or the behavior of settlers at IDF checkpoints? Who knows how much money was channeled to their enterprise over the years? Even the excellent book by Idit Zartel and Akiva Eldar, "Lords of the Land," did not succeed in exposing the full scope of these budgets. Did we know how much a Palestinian laborer earns at the Gush Katif hothouses, those over which everyone is now shedding crocodile tears? Have we heard that about 60 percent of Gush Katif residents have at least one family member who enjoys a salary from the state? Have they shown us the neglect that prevailed in the Gush until a few months ago and the recent effort to patch up homes for purposes of compensation? "

Sa conclusion:

"Maintenant, quand sa nature véritable [la colonisation] commence à être exposée, il faudrait mettre en cause non seulement tous les responsables de ses monstrueux dévelopements, mais ceux qui ont failli à exposer la vérité à son sujet pendant toutes ces années."
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