Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
15 juin 2011 22:04
voilà je chèrche la traduction d'une chanson turque mais je trouve juste la traduction en anglais et comme je ne suis pas trop forte en anglais je vous demande de bien vouloir me la traduire en français svp

understand that

Last night to a man i dont know

because he looked like you, i went silently said hi

I searced for a familiar peace in his confused eyes yesterday

I just waited for a common word, coming from past just like that

He talked, said something, these arent the words i expected

He looked at my face, my eyes but not like the way you did

I've understood nobody, nobody is you

Nobody is like you the soul beyond my soul

I've understood nobody, nobody is you

Nobody is a peace for my mind like you are

I've understood nobody, nobody is you

Nobody is the way to my hope like you are

ps: surtt pas de traduction lattéral Welcome
15 juin 2011 22:54
en tout cas ça a l'air beau mdr
! لله الوطن الملكl
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