Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
Religion et Universite
17 janvier 2005 02:15

J'ai ete toujours surpris par la peur blue des universites Francaises contre les religions. Et je ne cesse d'etre surpris par l'ouverture d'esprit anglophone et sa glorification de la diversite surtout que mon email adresse a ete bombarde recement par des annonces tels que :

Northwestern University

Muslim Cultural Student Association Presents:

Islam Awareness Week 2005

Jan. 17-20

ALL Events Fulfill EssentialNU Diversity Requirement

Monday, January 17th:

Ground Zero: Building Faith after 9/11
Muslim Converts will explain their experiences after

converting to Islam after the tragedy of September 11th.
Allison Hall, 7:00 PM

Tuesday, January 18th

Facing Human Right's Violations in the Muslim World
Professor Sulayman Nyang of Howard University will give a talk on

minorities and human rights issues in the Muslim world today.

217 Fisk Hall, 7:00 PM

(SAFB Funded)
Wednesday, January 19th
Women in Islam: Embracing Modernity with Faith
Vice-President of the Islamic Society of North America, Ingrid Mattson

will speak about the role of Muslim women in society.
McCormick Tribune Center Forum, 7:00 PM(SAFB Funded)

Thursday, January 20th
Hajj: A Piligramage of Diverse Cultures
Come celebrate the holy day of Eid-ul-Adha with sweets and snacks and learn

about the significance of this day as the start of the Hajj pilgrimage.
Allison Hall, 7:00 PM

Co-Sponsored by: Department of Political Science, Department of International Studies, Department of Asian and Middle East Studies, Department of Asian-American Studies, Department of Gender Studies, Department of Anthropology, Department of History, Department of Sociology, Department of Religion, Asian/African Student Affairs, Department of African and Asian Languages, Department of CICS, Amnesty International, Chaplin’s Office

La question qui me vient a l'esprit c'est pourquoi les universites Francaises n'essaient pas de s'ouvrir aux religions et les voir comme des facteurs d'unite et de diversite au lieu de les coinces dans une vision moyen ageuse RELIGION=MAL?! N'est-t-il pas temps pour la mentalite Francaise d'evoluer?!
17 janvier 2005 02:55
Et à qui ils vont refiler les bouquins des nouveaux intellos si on commence à discuter islam à l'unif?
C'est un gros marché,la francophonie.
17 janvier 2005 03:37
salam !

je decele aussi cette difference voila un mail que je vien de recevoir le matin

The Anthony Shadid Intern Program is open to Arab American students who have completed at least one year of college. You must be interested in Arab American civil rights and be a member or become a member of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee to be eligible to apply. Internships are available throughout the year.

Additional Information
Deadlines are January 15 for law students interested in a legal department internship and March 15 for all other department internships. Please visit the sponsor's Web site for additional information.

Applicable Majors
All Fields of Study

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee
4201 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20008

Award Amount

"Hé ! bonjour, Monsieur du Corbeau. Que vous êtes joli ! que vous me semblez beau ! Sans mentir, si votre ramage Se rapporte à votre plumage, Vous êtes le Phénix des hôtes de ces bois."
Emission spécial MRE
2m Radio +