Connexion Yabiladies Ramadan Radio Forum News
abdel halim hafid
30 juin 2004 18:02
Òí ÇáåæÇ íÇ ÍÈíÈí Òí ÇáåæÇ
Zay el hawa ya habibi, zay el hawa.
It feels like love, my darling, It feels like love.
æÂå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí Âå ãä Çáåæì
We ah mel hawa, ya habibi, ah mel hawa.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it.

æÎÐÊäí ãä ÅíÏí íÇ ÍÈíÈí æãÔíäÇ
We khateni men eidee, ya habibi, we mesheena.
And you took me by the hand, my darling and we walked,
ÊÍÊ ÇáÞãÑ ÛäíäÇ æÓåÑäÇ æÍßíäÇ
Taht el amar, ghanaina, we seherna wa hakaina.
Under the moon, we sang, and stayed up and talked.
æÝí ÚÒ ÇáßáÇã ÓßÊ ÇáßáÇã
We fe iz el kalaam, siket el kalaam.
And in the midst of our words, The words stopped

æÃÊÇÑíäí ãÇÓß ÇáåæÇ ÈÅíÏíÉ
Watarenee, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
æÂå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí Âå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.

æÎÐÊäí æãÔíäÇ æÇáÝÑÍ íÖãäÇ
We khatenee we meshena, wel farh ye domina.
And you took me and we walked, and joy embraced us,
æäÓíäÇ íÇ ÍÈíÈí ãíä ÅäÊ æãíä ÃäÇ
We neseena ya habibi, meen enta we meen ana,
And we forgot, my darling, who you are and who I am.
ÍÓíÊ Åä åæÇäÇ Í íÚíÔ ãáíæä ÓäÉ
Haset enni hawana, hayeesh milion sanna.
I felt like our love, would live a million years.

æÈÞíÊ æÇäÊ ãÚÇíÇ ÇáÏäíÇ ãáß ÅíÏíÉ
We ba-et wenta ma-aya, el donia milk edaya.
And when you were with me, the world was in my hands.
ÃÃãÑ Úáì åæÇíÇ ÊÞæá ÃãÑß íÇ ÚíäíÉ
Aqmor alla hawaya, te oul amraki ya einaya.
I ordered my love to tell you that I'm yours.
æÝí ÚÒ ÇáßáÇã ÓßÊ ÇáßáÇã
We fe iz el kalaam, siket el kalaam.
And in the midst of our words, The words stopped

æÃÊÇÑíäí ãÇÓß ÇáåæÇ ÈÅíÏíÉ
Watarenee, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
æÂå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí Âå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.

ÎÇíÝ æãÔíÊ æÃäÇ ÎÇíÝ
Khaief, we mesheet wanaa khaief,
Afraid, I walked while afraid,
ÅíÏí Ýí ÅíÏß æÃäÇ ÎÇíÝ
Edee, fe edaak wana khaief.
My hand in yours and I'm afraid.
Khaief alla farhet albi,
Afraid for my heart's joy,
ÎÇíÝ Úáì ÔæÞí æÍÈí
Khaief ala shoki we hobee.
Afraid for my passion and love.

æíÇãÇ ÞáÊ áß ÃäÇ
We yama oltelak ana.
And how many times did I tell you?
æÇÍäÇ Ýí ÚÒ ÇáåäÇ
Wehnaa fee eiz el hana.
When we were in the midst of joy?
ÞáÊ áß íÇ ÍÈíÈí
Oultilak, ya habibi.
I told you, oh my darling.
Lana ad el farha deya,
I can neither stand this joy,
We halawt el farha deya.
Nor the beauty of this joy.
ÎÇíÝ áÇ Ýí íæã æáíáÉ
Khaief law fe yom we leyla,
I'm afraid that one day,
ãÇÃáÇÞßÔ Èíä ÅíÏíÉ
Ma la-eksh bein edaya.
I won't find you in my hands.
ÊÑæÍ æÊÛíÈ Úáíø
Terooh we tegheeb, tegheeb alaya.
You'll go and be away from me.

æÞáÊ áí íÇ ÍÈíÈí ÓÇÚÊåÇ
We oltelee, ya habibi, sa-et-ha,
And then you told me, my darling.
Ïí ÏäíÊí ÅäÊ Çááí ãáÊåÇ
De donietee, entalli malet-ha.
"You have made my world whole"
æÝí ÚÒ ÇáßáÇã ÓßÊ ÇáßáÇã
We fe iz el kalaam, siket el kalaam.
And in the midst of our words, The words stopped

æÃÊÇÑíäí ãÇÓß ÇáåæÇ ÈÅíÏíÉ
Watarenee, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
æÂå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí Âå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.

We khatenee ya habibi, we roht tayer, tayer.
And you took me, my darling. And then you flew, you flew.
æÝÊäí íÇ ÍÈíÈí æÞáÈí ÍÇíÑ ÍÇíÑ
We foteni ya habibi, we albi hayer, hayer.
Then you passed me by, my darling. And my heart was lost, lost.
We oltelee ragei, bokra ana ragei,
And you said you'd return. The next day you'd return.

æÝÖáÊ ãÓÊäí ÈÂãÇáí
We fedelt mestani be amani.
And I kept waiting with all hope.
We malee el beit bel ward, bel shoq, bel hob, bel aghani.
Filling the house with flowers, passion, love and songs.
ÈÔãÚ ÞÇíÏ ÈÃÍáì ßáãÉ ÝæÞ áÓÇäí
We shamei ayed, shamei ayed, we ahla kelma fok lesanee.
And lighted candles, and the most beautiful words ready.
ßÇä Ïå ÍÇáí íÇ ÍÈíÈí áãÇ ÌíÊ
Kan da hali ya habibi, lama geet.
They were ready, for you my darling, when you came.

ÑÏÏäÇ ÇáÛäæÉ ÇáÍáæÉ Óæì
Radetna el ghenwa el helwa sawa.
We responded with the beautiful song together.
æÏÈäÇ ãÚ äæÑ ÇáÔãÚ .. ÏÈäÇ Óæì
We eloubna ma nour el shamaa sawa.
And we melted with the candle's wax, we melted together.
æÏÞäÇ ÍáÇæÉ ÇáÍÈ .. ÏÞäÇåÇ Óæì
We douqna halawt el hob. Douknaha sawa.
And we tasted the beauty of love, we tasted it together.
æÝí áÍÙÉ áÞíÊß íÇ ÍÈíÈí Òí ÏæÇãÉ åæÇ
We fe lahza laqetak ya habibi, ya habibi, zay dawamit hawa.
And all at once I found you, my darling, oh my darling like a tornado...

ÑãíÊ ÇáæÑÏ ØÝíÊ ÇáÔãÚ íÇ ÍÈíÈí
Ramet el ward, tafeit el shamei ya habibi.
You threw away the flowers, and put out the candles, my darling.
æÇáÛäæÉ ÇáÍáæÉ ãáÇåÇ ÇáÏãÚ íÇ ÍÈíÈí
Wel ghenwa el helwa, malaha el damei ya habibi.
And the beautiful song became filled with tears oh my darling.
æÝí ÚÒ ÇáÃãÇä ÖÇÚ ãäí ÇáÃãÇä
We fe eiz el aman, daa meneel aman.
And in the midst of hope, I lost all hope.

æÃÊÇÑíäí ãÇÓß ÇáåæÇ ÈÅíÏíÉ
Watarini, masek el hawa be edaya.
So no wonder, I'm holding on to love with my hands.
æÂå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí Âå ãä Çáåæì íÇ ÍÈíÈí
We ah mel hawa ya habibi, Ah mel hawa ya habibi.
And I just can't take it, my darling. I can't take it, my darling.
30 juin 2004 18:03
Part 1

You are her lover.
Lasta wahdak habibaha.
But you are not her only love!
ÍÈíÈåÇ ÃäÇ ßÈáß
Habibaha ana qablak
I was her love before you!
We robama geito baadak,
And I might have came after you.
æ ÑÈãÇ ßäÊ ãËáß
We robama kont mithlak.
Or maybe she had us both at the same time!
Part 2

Fa lam tazalta qani, We tasdadiho khedaei.
And yet she still meets me, and allows me to be deceived.
Be lahfatin fel lekaei. Be raafaten fel wadaei.
With longing in our relations, by a shake when we say goodbye.
ÈÏãÚÉ áíÓ ÝíåÇ ßÇáÏãÚ ÅáÇ ÇáÈÑíÞ
Bel damatein laysa feeha, kal damei illal bariq.
With the tears that were within her, the tears that lacked a sparkle.
Be reishatin, heya nabdoon, nabdoon be ghair eirooq.
With a shiver, she shook without cause.
Part 3

ÍÈíÈåÇ æ ÑæÊ áì ãÇ ßÇä ãäß æ ãäåã
Habibaha, we rawatli makana menka wa menhoom.
Yes, I was her lover, and she told me that there was no other.
Ýåã ßËíÑ æ áßä áÇ ÔÆ äÚÑÝ Úäåã
Fahom kathiron, We laken la shai naarifo anhom.
Yet there were many, and yet, I knew nothing of them.
æ ÚÇäÞÊäì æ ÃáÞÊ ÈÑÃÓåÇ ÝæÞ ßÊÝì
We anakatni, we alkat be raksiha fawq kitfee.
For she would embrace me and throw her head unto my shoulder.
Tabei adad, wa tadana, kay esbaeen be kaffi.
Then she would leave and meet another. I was blind.

Part 4

æ íÍÝÑ ÇáÍÈ ÞáÈì
We yehforol hob qalbi,
And love digs into my heart,
ÈÇáäÇÑ ÈÇáÓßíä
Bel nar, bel sikein.
With fire and with knives.
æ åÇÊÝ íåÊß Èì
Wa hatifo, yatifo be.
And they keep burrowing at him.
ÍÐÇÑ íÇ ãÓßíä
Hazari ya maskin.
Beware, my poor heart!
Part 5

We serto wahdi sharidan, mohatama el khatawati,
And so I began to wander alone. My path crumbling before me.
ÊåÒäì ÃäÝÇÓì ÊÎíÝäì áÝÊÇÊì
Tahizoni anfasi, Tekhifoni lafatati.
My every breath shakes me. My every turn scares me.
ßåÇÑÈ áíÓ íÏÑì ãä Ãíä Ãæ Ãíä íãÏì
Kaharebin laysa adri, men ain aw ain yamdi.
I try to hide myself. But from where can I escape?
Shakoon! Dababon! Hotaam! Baadi yomaziki baadi.
Doubt, fear and hopelessness keep tearing at me little, by little.
Part 6

ÓÃáÊ ÚÞáì ÝÃÕÛì æ ÞÇá áÇ áä ÊÑÇåÇ
Saalto aqli fa asgha. We qalla la lan taraha.
I asked my mind, he listened and said: "We will not see her again."
æ ÞÇá ÞáÈì ÃÑÇåÇ æ áä ÃÍÈ ÓæÇåÇ
We qalla qalby araha, wa lan ohibati sawaha.
And my heart said, "I shall see her, or nobody at all!"
ãÇ ÃäÊ íÇ ÞáÈ ÞáÈì ÂÂäÊ áÚäÉ ÍÈì
Ma anta ya qalb qalbi, aanta laanata hobi.
My heart, you are no longer my heart, but a curse on my love.
ÂÂäÊ äÞãÉ ÑÈì Åáì ãÊì ÃäÊ ÞáÈì
Fa anta nikmato rabi ila mata anta qabli.
You are a punishment from God until I die, oh my heart!
30 juin 2004 18:18
Choukran jazilen !

I love Abdelhalim Hafid... unfortunatly for me, he's dead !!
1 juillet 2004 23:02
maaaaaaaaaaginfique si on pouvais entendre ta voix je chantrai avec toi car j'aime chanter

inna llaha la yoghayirro ma bikawmine 7atta yoghayirro ma bi anfossihim
1 juillet 2004 23:47
Chapeau pour ces morceaux !!
3 juillet 2004 09:44
hello sefrewia ,, wich quartier in sefrou are u from???

con penas con amor mi corazon cantare la vida
3 juillet 2004 22:47
un grand merci à toi agadir ,

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