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TRANSLATION French and Arabic
11 septembre 2016 05:15
Hello everyone!

My name is Alexander Pinchuk, I am from Russia. Currently, I'm making a project for school - fandubbing of some Russian cartoon into different languages. It would be great if some of you translated some small parts from English into French and literary Arabic (I know its alphabet pretty well)

Arabic parts:
Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

French parts:
Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

Please, try to keep the amount of syllables in your translations as many as the numbers on the left from the sign.

Merci/Shoukran jazila for help smiling smiley
11 septembre 2016 05:50
The images I left to the previous posts fail to show

Arabic parts

1.) No fins here (4 syllables in the original)
2.) Fins sleep with the fishes.
(more literally: “Ends in the water”, you may use a similar idiom of your language, if you have any) (4 syllables in the original)
3.) 'Go!' says she, (5 syllables in the original)
4.) 'and don't come back without a holiday tree!' (9 syllables in the original)
5.) 'But when you do get one,' says she (8 syllables in the original)
6.) 'then come on back!' (4 syllables in the original)

French parts

1.) Well? Why aren't you saying anything? (5 syllables)
2.) Gone all quiet on me. (5 syllables)
3.) I tell you, these stupid fairy tales... (7 syllables)
4.) And their stupid narrators... (8 syllables)
Alexander Pinchuk a écrit:
Hello everyone!

My name is Alexander Pinchuk, I am from Russia. Currently, I'm making a project for school - fandubbing of some Russian cartoon into different languages. It would be great if some of you translated some small parts from English into French and literary Arabic (I know its alphabet pretty well)

Arabic parts:
Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

French parts:
Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

Photo supprimée par le membre  Photo supprimée par le membre

Please, try to keep the amount of syllables in your translations as many as the numbers on the left from the sign.

Merci/Shoukran jazila for help smiling smiley
11 septembre 2016 08:32
Arabic parts:

1.) No fins here. (4 syllables)

2.) Fins sleep with the fishes.
(more literally: “Ends in the water”, you may use a similar idiom of your language, if you have any) (4 syllables)

3.) 'Go!' says she, (5 syllables)

4.) 'and don't come back without a holiday tree!' (9 syllables)

5.) 'But when you do get one,' says she, (8 syllables)

6.) 'then come on back!' (4 syllables)

French parts

1.) Well? Why aren't you saying anything? (5 syllables)

2.) Gone all quiet on me. (5 syllables)

3.) I tell you, these stupid fairy tales…(7 syllables)

4.) And their stupid narrators...(8 syllables)
11 septembre 2016 08:37

Better for you to ask someone who speaks literary Arabic not Darija (which is Moroccan Arabic, different from modern Standard Arabic because we have many words from our local Berber and also from French and Spanish).

I would love to help you but I only know Darija Arabic.

Good luck.

Modifié 1 fois. Dernière modification le 11/09/16 08:38 par VoyageuseOrient.
11 septembre 2016 16:54
Well, it's a little bit complicated since we have no idea about the context (it makes difference, especially in Arabic)

Well, let's try to make it:

For the French parts:

1/ "Bon, pourquoi tu ne dis rien?"
"Bon, pourquoi vous ne dites rien?" (if it's destined 2 persons or more)
2/ "Ils ont arrêté de me parler, tous."
3/ " Je te dis, ces stupides contes de fées.."
4/ "Et leurs stupides narrateurs.."

For the Arabic parts:

1/ 'لا توجد زعانف هنا' (for, "it doesn't exist)
'ل'ا زعانف هنا (for, we don't use it)

2/ I don't understand the meaning of the sentence..
But it could be:

الزعانف تؤول إلى البحر مع الأسماك

3/ 'قالت له cryingإذهب

Destined to a male: 'ولا تعد دون شجرة أعياد الميلاد'
to a female: 'ولا تعودي دون شجرة أعياد الميلاد'

5/ 'قالت له: و لكن عندما تقوم بذلك، احصل على واحدة..'
or: (for a female)
'قالت له: و لكن عندما تقومين بذلك، احصلي على واحدة..'

6/ 'ثم عد مجددا" if it's destined to a "guy'/male

'ثم عودي مجددا' if it's destined to a girl/female


Well, I just tried (really there could be several discrepancies for some translated sentences.. since it's completly depending on the context it's introduced in.. Sorry)
I hope it will help you.
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